What would Love Say?


Each month, this column features a “Message from Love” with an action step and meditation. Each message gives examples of what Love might say and do in various circumstances. So, whenever you find yourself feeling scared, angry or uncomfortable, instead of letting fear have its way, practice asking yourself:

What would Love Say?
There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect and whole.

What would Love do?
Feel who you are deep within. Move in life from that space rather than the fearful, negative thoughts in your head.

Meditation for Love:
Sit quietly for 5-10 minutes. Place your hand on your heart and breathe gently in and out. Ask the spirit of Love to join you. Find the place within that feels “wrong” or “inadequate” and bring it to your heart. Send these places love. Let Love wash away the shame. Then, feel who you truly are. Feel the perfection and wholeness that is deep within your spirit.

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