Between the Notes | The Psalms of Sex: Foreplay


It’s 2012 now and we have officially been living in the Aquarian Age for several months. So, as the Musical Alchemist and an Aquarian (did you guess?) I think it’s definitely time to apply the knowledge of transforming vibrations to a realm of Being—which is fundamental to all of our lives: SEX!

Yes, it’s fundamental, but due to all the misunderstandings and confusion about this part of our nature — repression on one hand and exploitation on the other — we seem to have lost touch with the fun part. I mean, after all, isn’t sex how we all got here on this planet? And isn’t sex the way Life itself continues in all it’s wild glory? So what could be more spiritual than sex?

A psalm is defined as “a sacred song; a hymn.” In this series “The Psalms of Sex,” we’ll be singing the praises of many frequencies of sexuality, from the primal to the sophisticated. The emotions and sounds connected to our emotions convey enormous amounts of information to our brain without any words. In fact, recent scientific studies reveal the role that sounds, rhythms and tones play in our sexual communication.

Animal societies have courting rituals of song and dance, and so do we. The only difference between our rituals and that of our animal friends is that ours have become more complicated and obscure over the years, whereas the animals remain true to their nature.

In the ancient Tantric teachings, sound syllables and mantras are used to open chakras (energy centers) and heighten arousal and attunement with the goal of experiencing a deep sense of union and bliss. The attraction of polarities is the Universal Law, which starts the whole dance of sex. In the Eastern philosophies, it’s called “yin and yang.” In the yogic tradition, it’s called Shiva (male) and Shakti (female). If we accentuate this polarity in our relationships, there’s more charge and more attraction — just like magnets or electrical current needs plus and minus poles. In this series, we will explore how to do that!

So keep checking in each month and I’ll be introducing you to some tantalizing and wonderful guests who’ll share their wisdom and secrets with you to unlock more joy and pleasure, to get you humming with the Cosmos!

Happy Valentine’s Day – Resonate Deeply!

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Philippo Franchini is a world-renowned musician and pioneer in bringing Nada Yoga to the West. He has been called "the Ram Dass of meditative music." Ram Dass made meditation popular in the 70s via his book, Be Here Now, and Philippo is bringing Nada Yoga to the West via his CD, Magic & Grace, which, you could say, is the result of "being here now" for three decades! Currently living in Los Angeles, Philippo has performed at Bhakti Fest, the House of Blues, the Kodak Theatre, BB King’s, the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, Esalen Institute, Omega Institute, and the Kripalu Yoga Center. He also performed at the Milan International Yoga Festival in October 2010, and at many other clubs and festivals all over the world. Fans have heard his music live in the States, Canada, Dubai, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, England, Spain, and Egypt. He tours regularly with David Newman and the collective groove ensemble known as Shaman’s Dream. He has also played and recorded with Jillian Speer, Dave Stringer, the Persian singer Siavesh Ghomayshi, DJ Andy Caldwell, and Suzanne Teng. His music compositions have been used in several films, including Mean Girls (2004) and Desperately Seeking Paul McCartney (2008).


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