The Rare Sands of Time


hourglass-womanThe rare sands of time
Tomorrow’s new precious hours
Pouring into glass

A challenge in each moment: to help others while respecting their spiritual growth.

How do you wrap up love? Giving of your spiritual gifts is kinda like Christmas. You present a bowed up bit of bounty to your favorite people wrapped in thoughtfulness, wrapped in love.

The toughest part of helping others is forever finding that fine line between giving an opportunity and fueling their self-worth. It’s easy just to throw love at a problem; it’s harder to direct that love to a person’s inner need.

One of the joys of getting old is to see the new patterns people paint on the fabric of old behaviors. The coolest thing is to watch a young bright light figure out kindness; figure out how to weave humor into the moment; figure out how magical the amazing new experience is that they are now in the midst of; figure out humility.

It’s breathtaking how deep moments can be. I got the concept when I was a kid. Now, there are times when the far shore of a thought is off beyond the horizon.

You can ride the seas of the moment in the craft of a thought. Sometimes it’s a pleasure cruise and you can allow the emotional provisions you store for your journeys to nourish your cruise. Sometimes it’s a business trip and answers to problems too distant for shore dwellers are fun to retrieve, especially if you find your thought catching winds of change.

Spirituality in action is really just getting yourself ready to help others get themselves ready. World scriptures and enlightened manuscripts are plentiful. They are scattered throughout the centuries. Their seeds are constantly replanted in the minds of each generation. Our cultures, our languages keep alive core spiritual verities handed down, amplified, and redacted but always preserved in their essence.

Before right and wrong
Essence slipped into being
Not going away

The essence is goodness. It manifests as hope. It manifests as kindness. It manifests in its grandest and most mysterious way as love.

As we become more of who we are, we have more to give. We read, we observe, we open our hearts a bit more when we learn our own strengths. We open our minds a bit more when we understand the rewards. The whole process may take a lifetime or more. The beauty of opening the windows of our soul to this process is in the knowing of oneness. We become an open-ended chalice through which life loves to flow…just one more vessel to offer the flow of love to new generations.

The challenge in each moment is to help others while respecting their spiritual integrity.

Crystal clear moments
Portraits for the wall of life
Speeding hours stand still

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