Yoga for You: Savasana Pose


After bending, twisting, and moving your body, the final resting posture in nearly every yoga practice is Savasana. The translation is “corpse pose,” which may sound morbid, but it is actually quite beautiful.

Corpse Pose symbolizes the death of all before that moment. It’s the death of every belief, behavior, pattern, fear, insecurity, doubt and past experience.

Many people say that it is surrendering to the earth, and that it is, but Savasana is meant to be a dramatic, complete surrender of all that you are and all that you have been. That’s the reason it’s called Corpse Pose. It’s not just surrender; it’s death to the past.

Yes, you will relax, restore and rejuvenate while you surrender to the earth. Do this with the intention of a complete release. This is where miracles happen.

When we have the willingness to surrender who we were, we are able to reawaken to who we will be. It is the death of all that has held us back from being our greatest selves that births the possibility for us to shine. Our past beliefs, behaviors, patterns and fears are actually comfortable for us, because it is what we know. It’s familiar. You know how your story plays out when you keep reliving your past.

Letting that story — and all that has developed it — die can be scary because it is unknown. It is a new path, uncharted territory and unfamiliar. It’s the way to transforming into your greatest self.

It’s close to the New Year. Now is the time to rebirth and renew yourself. Commit to a daily practice of letting go to become your greatest self. Start new rituals that align with who you are becoming, not who you used to be.

My ritual? This is the message I send out before I give myself to savasana:

“Universe, I give you all of me. I give up every thought, belief, pattern and behavior to you. I abundantly forgive others and myself so that I can release past words, actions and experiences. I surrender who I have been in order to become who I truly am. I release completely knowing that I will be rebirthed with expanded love, joy, abundance and peace. Thank you.”

In addition to Savasana, this, followed by a long statement of gratitude, is what I say before I fall asleep at night. Savasana is a practice of letting go and trusting that you will not only survive — you will thrive! Lie flat on your back. Move your shoulders away from your ears. Rest your arms a few inches from the sides of your body with your palms face up. Rest your legs comfortably apart with your toes flopping outward. Close your eyes. Let go completely. Namasté.

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Michelle Ploog has been a nationally recognized yoga teacher for over 13 years. She’s certified in Baptiste Yoga, Kripalu Yoga, Fluid Power Vinyasa and Restorative Yoga. She began practicing as a teenager and has since evolved into co-developing and facilitating Yoga Teacher Trainings in multiple locations. Her expertise in fitness as an ACE certified personal trainer, years as a sports-specific yoga teacher/ fitness trainer for the FL Everglades, and experience in wellness coaching influence her dynamic approach to yoga. She spends her time between Minneapolis and Naples throughout the year, and calling her partner Dan and their furbabies Dallas and Kitty her home.


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