Are You a Corporate Mystic?


Succeeding in business often has been viewed as a competitive, numbers-driven game that relies on hard facts, financial analysis and exploitation of markets. That’s the old paradigm folks, and it simply isn’t working any more. We are rapidly moving away from this type of “fear-based” competitive environment, and in turn creating a corporate playground that thrives on caring and collaboration.

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. and Kate Ludeman, Ph.D., studied hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners from companies such as Motorola, Dell, and the like, for their groundbreaking book, The Corporate Mystic. Their findings led them to make the following prediction: “Successful corporate leaders of the 21st century will be spiritual leaders. They will be comfortable with their own spirituality, and they will know how to nurture spiritual development in others.”
Stephen Covey summed it up best when he said, “Spirituality cannot be something a person toys with, a little compartment of their lives. It has to be at the core, in a way that affects every other part of their lives.” And that includes business. Today’s most successful leaders are in business for their hearts and souls as well as their wallets. They are in business to support the hearts and souls of the people with whom they work.

Succeeding in business now requires us to employ our intuition, to tap into a collective consciousness of readily available signs and guideposts, and to develop a more collaborative approach to the world at large. “But how do I make that leap?” you ask, “How do I learn how to develop these skills when the other way is all I’ve known?”
That’s where coaching comes in. A recent 2011 study conducted by Qa Research, an independent marketing research agency in the UK, found that 80 percent of the organizations surveyed had used, or are now using, coaching to facilitate the growth and development of their employees. Operating without this type of assistance in today’s corporate culture simply no longer makes sense.
A good coach will help you understand that there is nothing more powerful than the subconscious mind. Most people think their conscious mind is running the show, when, in fact, it is the subconscious, which operates 24/7, that rules virtually everything. And what’s even crazier yet is that most of the foundational programming in your subconscious mind was already in place by the time you were seven years old.
So here you are, this savvy, business exec, and you often find yourself wondering why you can’t break through that glass ceiling, or why you can’t just effortlessly attract more love, joy, health, wealth, peace and happiness. After all, you’re staying optimistic and saying all those positive affirmations like they told you to in The Secret. “What am I doing wrong?” you continue to ask yourself. Well, the “Secret Behind the Secret” lies in that very subconscious programming we’ve been talking about, and it’s hard to know what’s in there on your own. 
If you’re like most people, you probably want “X” in your life, but what you keep attracting is “Y.” So what is it that is “unconsciously” holding you back? Coaching is designed to help people not only uncover, but actually reprogram, the limiting beliefs that lay in their subconscious mind. Once those limited beliefs are uncovered, they can be cleared and subsequently replaced with new belief patterns that will have you instantly on the road to unlimited success.
Plus, it is from this clearer, less congested point of view that you will be able to better tap into the intuitive guidance that is all around you. In fact, with a little practice you’ll be able to not only ask for, but actually receive, divine guidance. By tapping into your high self, or connecting with the angels, you’ll be able to problem solve on a more cohesive, collaborative, spiritual level.

It is from this new, healthier, more intuitive state of mind that you will, in turn, become one of today’s successful leaders…someone who uses collaboration and compassion to support the hearts and souls of the people with whom they work…someone who understands what it takes to be a Corporate Mystic — a leader in today’s new corporate playground.

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