Who is here now? The real you. The unreal you lives in the past and future. It believes that there is such a thing as time. But time can only exist if there are two separate points of reference. If there is a belief that there is a God outside of us, then the space between God and us creates the sense of time. It takes time to travel between two points. If there is no space between God and ourselves, then there is no time; there is only now.
When we are in our minds thinking, our thoughts are normally engaged with the past or future, which means that we have formed a separation. We are not present with our true self, therefore we are not in the Now.
Why is now so important? Because now is the only place where we can be whole again, remember who we are and wake up to the fact that All That Is is present now and we are All That Is. Even the tiniest fraction of us is a holographic piece of the whole. We always contain the whole, but we must be present with it and not feel as though we are separate from it. We must be present with what is already present. It is that simple. It is that simple.
Presence of Self
The next step is to practice the presence of Self. We must be that Self and really feel it so that we can remember who we are. Because we are so used to living in a fast-paced world, we must first slow ourselves down — slow our mind down, relax our muscles and drop into the present moment. Surrender into it, fall into it.
I have developed a tool called the Miracle Breath, which helps me stay present in the now moment. I have been so encouraged with the results that I now train Miracle Breath Practitioners in my classes. The Miracle Breath involves a simple breath as you say to yourself, “I breathe in the now moment.” As you breathe out, you say, “I relax into peace.”
Here is the catch. There is a part of ourselves that almost violently resists being present in the now. That part is the part of ourselves that became altered long ago — altered in that it felt separated from its Source after originally feeling One with Source. I call this part the altered ego or the negative ego. It could also be called the saboteur, because it is the one who sabotages our life.
Because the saboteur was created out of the belief of separation, it has become a god almost in the amount of power it has. It exists only when we think and engage in the idea of a past or future. If we withdraw our focus of attention from the past or future, it loses its power and feels as though it is dying. It fears losing control. It feels weakened, panicky and afraid when we are fully present with our true self, so it distracts us so that we once again get lost in thoughts of the past or future.
This altered ego
It is my belief that one cannot walk the spiritual route the full way without first understanding the nature of this altered ego. Very few people teach this. Very few people are even aware of it. Since most of our systems were created by the altered ego, there is very little knowledge available.
The best way to overcome the resistance of the saboteur is to go into practicing the presence of your real whole self. Breathe and say, “I breathe in my divinity,” and then breathe out wholeness. Breathe in wholeness. Breathe out your divinity until you once again align yourself and feel the presence of your true self sitting here fully present and fully alive.
It takes no time to find your Self. You are that Self. You don’t need a spiritual path to find it. You don’t need to take classes to find it. You don’t need to be wiser or more loving to find it. It is here now. It is what we have been resisting most. When we practice the presence of now, we fall into a state of deep inner peace. When we learn to experience a deep inner peace, we know that we have found our true inner self. We talk about peace a lot but we rarely accomplish the actual state of being in our own lives or in the world in general.
The altered ego does not like peace. It thrives on conflict and drama. Conflict and drama feed it and keep it alive. If it isn’t fed, it will have to repeatedly conjure up additional conflict in our lives so that it can he fed and remain alive. One must learn how to feed one’s real self, breathing the breath of divinity, fanning the fires within of the real self rather than giving attention to the altered ego which is our little personality self. It is almost like a battle taking place within us. It can feel like an Armageddon. It is the enormous fight between the Sabotager and the Real Self.
Not taking sides
Who will win? It is not a matter of taking sides. In fact, the crucial understanding is that we don’t take sides at all. We simply stay in a state of peace rather than reacting to either side. This is the secret of godhood. Peace is our most valuable commodity. It changes us, it changes our past, it changes our future, it changes our present. It affects our entire world and our entire universe when we sit in a state of peace.
The exciting research of David Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force shows that we can actually measure the vibrational energy of our feeling states. Courage is measured at 200. Love at 500. Joy is 540. Peace is 600! David Hawkins says that one person at level 300 has the ability to counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 people. One person at level 500 can counterbalance 750,000 people. One person at level 600 can shift 50 million people. It reminds me of the words of the song, “Let there he peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
The state we choose now affects the whole world. When we choose peace in our personal lives, we choose to do only those things that make us feel peaceful. We respond to all events with the breath of peace. This is what I call the Miracle Breath. This is the miracle that can change the world. We change nothing outside of ourselves. We change only the state of being within ourselves. This is the greatest service work. The saboteur wants you to believe that you are needed to save the world through action-oriented activities so that you will he too busy to be in a state of peace. That is why there are still wars in this world and such a state of unrest. It will never change until we change our self.
When we find our true self again, this is the real beginning of spiritual experience. We now can talk with our true Divine Self, commune with it, and form a deep and meaningful relationship with it. Only one Great Being exists and It is in a profound state of communing with and loving Itself. That is why we say that loving ourselves is the greatest thing we can do. We are then like the Creator. When we act, feel, and love like the Creator, we are the Creator. We are in the constant state of loving ourselves and all that we are.
The spiritual “journey” does not begin until we find our Self. We then wake up and find real life within us. We then begin to create from our real self rather than the small, altered personality self who lives in a world of fear, chaos and suffering.
An exciting moment
Now is an exciting moment. The moment right now is the most exciting time that has ever existed, because it contains All That Is. All That Is is here right now — and it is you. Perhaps you would like to put this paper down and sit and breathe in the present moment and relax into peace, feeling the presence of your true magnificent Divine Self. Eventually one can be in this state of Presence throughout the day. Your true self is your own Higher Self and as it begins to express itself in your life, you will find only peace, harmony, joy, laughter and playfulness. We are restored to our own natural, whole, playful self. The soul by its very nature is a joyful, playful, creative being. If your day is joyful, playful-and creative, then you know that you are in tune with your true self.
A new world has been birthed now. The old one that we look out at through our physical eyes is past and gone much like an ancient star that we are now seeing for the first time in the skies. It is no longer there, but we are seeing it for the first time because it took that long for its light to reach us. Likewise, the world that we see through our physical eyes is an illusion. Think about it, because it is true.
When a new world was birthed in the last several years, we changed the software within our being to one of “ascension.” Ascension is simply the process of beginning a new life in an old body, and from that point of view we have already ascended. True ascension is really an incension into one’s own physical body. Spirit incends into the physical body becoming one with it, filling the physical body with light. The two become a grand team of creators in the new world.
The last thing we want to do now is leave our physical body and leave this world. We must now fully incend into the body and be the new breed of god that has recently been birthed. We become a full Divine Human when the divine within us becomes alive. It comes alive when we practice breathing affirmations. “I breathe in my full divinity I breathe out wholeness.” “I breathe in wholeness and I breathe out my divinity.” When we breathe in, we fan the flames of the divinity within us, and when we breathe out we express that divinity through our words and actions. We must consciously activate the new divinity within us. Otherwise, it can wilt much like a plant that goes unwatered.
Old software
Many of us who have been spiritually oriented are reluctant humans. We do not want to fully incarnate into the body. We think that spiritual means ascending and leaving the body. That was the old software. It is just the opposite now. The world is different now. We no longer need to feel that we don’t belong here. Because of the explosion of higher consciousness, a new world has been created that is specifically a place to be fully human and fully divine. We merge the two in a new venture — a new experiment. No one is in charge of the experiment. We ourselves are the ones in charge of the whole experience. What will we create in the new void? Time will tell.
Now through a natural process of awakening, the stirrings of a remembered godhood are rising within us and a new Self is beginning to emerge. We ae true magicians now. The impossible is no longer impossible. Miracles are here now. We are that miracle. Our true Divine Human Self is beginning the process of Now through a natural process of awakening, the stirrings of a remembered godhood are rising within us and a new Self is beginning to emerge. We ae true magicians now. The impossible is no longer impossible. Miracles are here now. We are that miracle. Our true Divine Human Self is beginning the process of creating and exploring an entirely new world based on harmony, love and joy. There is no better place to be than here, and there is no greater moment than now. So be it and so it is.
Recommended Materials:
Eckhart Tolle’s books, The Power of Now and Practicing the Power of Now, and also his videos and tapes, at www.eckharttolle.com
Any book by Leonard Jacobson, online at www.leonardjacobson.com
The Tobias channelings of Geoffrey Hoppe, online at www.crimsoncircle.com
The exciting research of David Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force shows that we can actually measure the vibrational energy of our feeling states. Courage is measured at 200. Love at 500. Joy is 540. Peace is 600! David Hawkins says that one person at level 300 has the ability to counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 people. One person at level 500 can counterbalance 750,000 people. One person at level 600 can shift 50 million people. It reminds me of the words of the song, “Let there he peace on earth and let it begin with me.â€
The problem here is there are vibrational energy patterns and conscious factions in the unseen realms, that seek to counter the human’s attempts to create and hold the vibrational peace pattern. David Hawkins also does not take into account the specific issues, challenges, the energy of hate, fear, concern, apprehension that controls, consumes and imprisons many humans.
A nice thought, but the problem is the universe does not work well, when a few create for the many, what the many have not created for their own Self. It just does not work at all. Takes us right back to the idea of God being the answer! When in fact God has also been the problem too.
The universe is just not as simple as 1+1=2. The universe is far more complex than is imaginable. What works today, will often not work tomorrow! What is understood today, often is changes tomorrow!
The Present Moment of Now, is continuous and never ending! Except for the one’s experiencing it, when their existence comes to an end so does there awareness of it.
You Stated: “Because of the explosion of higher consciousness, a new world has been created that is specifically a place to be fully human and fully divine. We merge the two in a new venture — a new experiment. No one is in charge of the experiment. We ourselves are the ones in charge of the whole experience.”
I AM not sure where you got this! A part of the process, yes! But in charge of the experiment! Wow….you are way off base with that statement! The ‘Vision’ for what is evolving was put into play over 200 billion Earth years ago! Long before human’s ever existed on this planet!
Is Personal Empowerment of Self an important aspect of the process and experiment? YES! But in charge of……human’s and those in the unseen realms have to much to learn yet to be given that much power and freedom!
But believe what you choose to believe Paula! In a future moment you will see it all differently…this I can guarantee you and everyone else too! 🙂