Nimbus festival
MINNEAPOLIS – An outdoor festival involving Native American dance, drumming, singing, intuitive healing, psychics, body healing massages and a martial arts demonstration will celebrate the first six months of business for Nimbus Rejuvenation Center, from 2 p.m. to sunset on Sunday, July 31, at Stonehenge Rocks & Rituals, 2520 Hennepin Ave. S., Minneapolis.
The suggested love donation after 5 p.m. is $5. Participants are encouraged to bring a drum.
For more information, visit or call (612) 247-5317.
Rare Buddha relics come to Minnesota
HAMPTON, Minn. – A precious collection of sacred relics of the Buddha and many other Buddhist masters, currently touring the world, is stopping briefly in Minnesota.
The Heart Shrine Relic Tour: An Exhibition of Ancient and Sacred Buddhist Relics, presented by the Maitreya Project, will be on display August 20-21 at Watt Munisotaram, a Cambodian Buddhist Temple, located at 2925 220th St. E. in Hampton, MN. Admission is free and the public is invited from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Pets also are welcome to attend, because in Buddhist thought, it gives a great blessing to a human to aid a being from another realm in their progress to the next realm.
Relics are beautiful pearl-like crystals found among the cremation ashes of the Buddha. They are deliberately produced and embody the deceased master’s spiritual qualities of compassion and wisdom.
To view a relic is extremely rare. Normally, relics are permanently enshrined inside statues and stupas and are rarely made available for public viewing, much less taken out of their resident countries.
Visitors report experiences of inspiration and healing while in the presence of the relics. Some people are inspired to pray for world peace and to develop their inner wisdom, others simply cry and feel their heart gently opening.
The relics are clearly visible inside display cases that encircle a life-size, golden statue of the Maitreya Buddha. Throughout the event, there will be blessing ceremonies in which the relics of Buddha are gently placed on the crown of the visitor’s head for a personal blessing.
When the tour finishes, the relics will be enshrined in a 500-foot golden statue of Maitreya Buddha in northern India. Maitreya is the future Buddha, known as the Buddha of loving-kindness.
Building the statue itself is not the main goal; the purpose is to inspire an open, kind heart. When people see the giant Maitreya statue on TV or visit the statue, they will reflect on what it means to have a good heart. It will be a symbol of faith for millions all over the world.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama commented, "This project is really wonderful and is the result of great courage and determination, and from the depths of my heart I appreciate and applaud this wonderful project. You should realize that this is a very holy and sacred project."
For more information, visit or contact Jean Wallis or Noel Lee at (651) 402-7897 or e-mail
Juried art exhibit
EDINA, Minn. – The 21st Annual Members’ Juried Art Exhibition, featuring artwork created by members of the Edina Art Center and at all levels from beginning to professional, will open with an artist reception from 5-8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, and will continue through Oct. 18.
Drawing, painting, pottery, sculpture, photography, and mixed media are represented in the show. The judges’ critique will be presented at 6 p.m. during the reception.
Edina Art Center is located at 4701 W. 64th St. in Edina. Gallery hours are from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. For more information, visit, e-mail or call (612) 915-6600.
Benefit walk/run
ST. PAUL – Vibha-MN’s Annual 5K/10K Walk/Run will take place on Sunday, Sept. 18, at Lake Phalen in St. Paul to raise awareness about Vibha’s mission to support projects to aid child relief. Vibha is a U.S.-based, volunteer-run, non-profit organization that works to ensure health, education and opportunity for underprivileged children. All proceeds from this race will go towards child welfare projects in India and the U.S.
The 5K and 10K runs will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the 5K walk will be at 9:30 a.m. Participation pre-registration fees are: adults $17, students $12, Children under 12 years old free. Registration onsite is adults $20 and students $15.
Over the last six years, the walk has been a nationwide success, reaching over a million people. For more details, visit or contact Ravi Sura at (651)-734-0645 or e-mail
Jean Houston in Twin Cities
Jean Houston, Ph.D., a consultant to governmental agencies and organizations in more than 40 countries, is known as the "teacher’s teacher" and author of 17 books, including The Possible Human, Life Force, Public Like a Frog and her autobiography, A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Stories. She will present two workshops and an evening talk Sept. 23-25 in the Twin Cities as part of "Social Artist as World Server," courtesy of Continuum Center and The Institute of Cultural Affairs MN.
Houston is a scholar and researcher in human capacities and cross-cultural education, and she is known for her highly engaging, multidimensional learning experiences.
The events include:
– Leadership as Social Artistry – Friday, September 23, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Intelligent Nutrients Center, 983 E. Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis: The need to train leaders in a completely new way is critical. The usual formulas and stop-gap solutions born of an earlier era will not help us. Dr. Houston – a cultural historian whose 30-year career spans psychology, sociology, economics and philosphy – is an ambassador of the revolutionary development that can equip today’s leaders to deal with the complexity and chaos of today’s world. Cost: $295/$250 members of Continuum Center.
– An Evening With Jean Houston: Social Artistry: Hope for the Future – Friday, September 23, 7-9 p.m. at O’Shaughnessy Auditorium, 2004 Randolph Ave., St. Paul: The density and intimacy of the global village and the staggering consequences of our new knowledge and technologies make us directors of a world that has, up to now, mostly directed us. We are coded with potentials few of which we will ever learn to use if we are not taught to think, feel and perceive in new ways. Join Jean for an exploration of how the concept of social artistry can inform and infuse a new world of possibility. Costs: $26/$21 members/$15 students.
– The Path of the World Server Weekend workshop – Saturday, Sept. 24 from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Coeur de Catherine Ballroom at College of St. Catherine, 2004 Randolph Ave., St. Paul: This is an invitation to become stewards of the planet filled with a passion for the possible and to partner with one another through the greatest transformation ever known. Learn new ways to access cross-cultural knowledge and the skills necessary to apply the awareness for social/cultural deepening and exchange. Come for a weekend filled with intellectual, physical, emotional and cultural exporation, through a sensory-rich training that is a new paradigm adventure! Costs: $395/$340 members (includes continental breakfast and lunch).
The events are co-sponsored by Abbott Northwestern Institute for Health and Healing, The Marsh, Pathways, St. Joan of Arc Church, Horst Rechelbacher Foundation, French Meadow Bakery and Café, Core Curriculum Office and Center of Excellence for Women and Spirituality/College of St. Catherine, and Wisdom Ways Center for Spirituality.
For ticket information, call (612) 374-4948 or visit
Community Health Fair
BLOOMINGTON, Minn. – Anne Fletcher, weight expert and author of the popular Thin for Life: 10 Keys to Success from People Who Have Lost Weight and Kept It Off, will be the lead presenter at a free event on October 8 in Bloomington. "Catch the Wellness Wave: Natural Approaches to Health," a community health fair sponsored by Northwestern Health Sciences University, will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the University, which is located on the corner of Penn Avenue and 84th Street.
In addition to Fletcher’s appearance, the health fair will include a number of activities, workshops and demonstrations for attendees. Interactive sessions on yoga, T’ai chi, pilates, balance training, and the Nia technique will be presented. Each session will last about 15 minutes and will include opportunities for participants to try the different methods taught.
While not participating in workshops or sitting in on lectures, attendees will have an opportunity to visit dozens of information booths, including vendors from various fitness centers, weight loss clinics, and community organizations. Additionally, free postural assessments, thermal scans, pulmonary function testing, non-fasting glucose and cholesterol screenings, and blood pressure checks will be available at no charge.
For more information on Northwestern Health Sciences University, visit or call (952) 888-4777.
Bioneers Conference
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. – The 16th annual Bioneers Conference, a hub of practical solutions for restoring the Earth – and people, will be presented at the Marin Center in San Rafael Oct. 14-16, bringing together inspiring ideas, models, tools, resources and powerful connections to improve the environment by changing the world.
The Bioneers Conference is a thriving network of visionary innovators working with nature to heal nature. The Bioneers draw from four billion years of evolutionary intelligence and apply the knowledge in practical ways to serve human ends harmlessly.
Pre- and post-confenrence intensives include workshops from: the Rockford Leadership Program on the art of effective and powerful leadership; Kate Grace MacElveen and Will Hays on R/Evolutionary Communication