From the Publisher


Edge Life Expo was proud to attend and support Wellness Wave: Natural Approaches to Health, the Northwest Health Sciences University event held on the university campus on Oct. 8. It met all expectations and exceeded many. It offered many free core medical screenings, helping to give the public an insight of where their level of wellness. We thank the entire staff at Northwest Health Sciences University and will support their future events.

The Center, at 48th and Grand Avenue South in Minneapolis, hosted a great open house in its new facilities. This creation has been a vision of our friend, Echo Bodine, in partnership with Carol Lowell and Bobby Sullivan. They have found a magnificent home and, without question, this is a worthy place to visit to experience many of the modalities they offer. Visit Echo’s website at to get a feel for classes at the new location.

I truly look forward to see one and all at Edge Life Expo on Nov 4-6 at Minneapolis Convention Center. if you have any questions or need information on the event or on exhibiting, please feel free to call me or check our website at I can be reached at (763) 427-7979.

Last, but by no means least, our longtime advertising consultant Lyn Danielson, who has managed Edge Life’s Happenings, Classifieds and Source listings for some time, has resigned as of this November edition to pursue other activities. The entire Edge Life staff has appreciated her diligence, loyalty and enthusiasm and wishes her all the best.

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