The next time you notice you are rushing to get to your car to drive somewhere, decide to do it mindfully. Bring your focused attention to what you are doing – one moment at a time – getting your keys out, unlocking, and opening the door, getting in. Be aware of the body’s movement as you slip into your seat. Notice the hand putting the key into the ignition and turning the car on. Listen to the motor start up. Be aware of your breath for a moment or two. Time may seem to slow down, but it’s really that you are being more present and aware. It takes no more time to focus on what you are doing than to be caught up in the rush to what’s next. Actually, you may find there’s nowhere to hurry to when you practice being aware on the way. But please don’t take my word for it. Find out for yourself! Awareness is a gift to yourself and others. Please take care.
Copyright © 2005 Nina Livingstone. All rights reserved.