In the Gallery


    "Faces of Madagascar" exhibit

    MAPLEWOOD, Minn. – Pat Connolly has traveled to 20 countries in seven years, sometimes as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. In his journeys, he has come to realize one thing: "We are the same everywhere in the world. We all want the same things."

    During these trips, Connolly photographs the everyday life of people. His photos have been exhibited in three galleries, most recently as part of the Arts & Spirituality series sponsored by the Benedictine Center in Maplewood.

    This exhibit, "The Faces of Home: a Habitat for Humanity Journal from Madagascar," opens with from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 2, and it will be on display daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. through May 19.

    Madagascar is an island nation off the east coast Africa with about 16 million people. Its geographic size is comparable to Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa combined. Connolly says his photos feature the people of Alakamisy, a small Madagascar village where families live in clay brick houses and make $400 a year.

    "But it’s not about this poor little third-world country that is deprived of washing machines or air conditioners," he says. "It’s about our oneness as people. The kids in this village are sweet and funny and mischievous and na

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    Tim Miejan
    Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at


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