
    Eliminating parasites naturally


    Anyone who has ever had food poisoning can tell you just how distressing parasites can be. Ranging in size from single-celled organisms to worms visible to the naked eyes, parasites can include ringworms, roundworms, tapeworms, microbial growth and their eggs. Parasites are transmitted from host to host, in foods that are not properly washed, from the consumption of contaminated meats or water, or by putting anything in your mouth that has touched the fecal matter (stool) of an infected person or animal. 

    Parasites thrive in warm, moist environments. They are brutal scavengers that first invade the intestinal tract, but can quickly migrate to other parts of the body. Once infected, they multiply rapidly and can live as long as two years. 

    Parasites derive their nourishment from their hosts. Some live off the foods we eat, while others get their nutrition directly from the cells in our bodies. Parasites secrete wastes that are poisonous us. This can put extra pressure and stress on our body as it works to neutralize their toxic effect.
    Parasites can cause a number of physical problems that can range from mild discomfort to debilitating illnesses and possibly death. Symptoms can include bloating, loss of appetite, heart pain, abdominal cramping, headaches, diarrhea, intestinal gas and anal itching, to name a few. Many of the symptoms experienced are often thought to be associated with other health concerns and rarely linked to parasitic infections.

    It is believed that 90 percent of the world’s population has parasites. Traditional medical testing only checks for 40-50 of the 1,000 different species of parasites, resulting in only a 20 percent positive test rate. In addition, parasites are often tested as part of a stool culture. If parasites are not passed in the stool, they will not be found or identified. This leaves parasitic infections under or misdiagnosed.
    Recommendations for wellness

    • Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating or preparingfood, and especially after using the toilet.
    • When traveling to developing countries, avoid drinking the tap water, or eatingice, uncooked or undercooked foods, and fruits that cannot be peeled.
    • Cook your fish, meat and poultry thoroughly. Undercooked meats can contain parasites.
    • When doing any kind of parasite cleanse, it is imperative to do it consistentlyfor seven to 10 days, and then again one week later. The first cleanse will killany active parasites; the second cleanse will eliminate any newly hatched eggs orlarva.
    • Dr. Hulda Clark’s "Parasite Zapper" is a low-voltage device that issaid to kill parasites, bacteria and viruses.
    • Black walnut can be used to eliminate parasites, especially worms.
    • Barberry, Oregon grape and goldenseal have been used to eliminate giardia infectionsin the body.
    • Garlic has a history of killing parasites including amoeba, hookworm, roundworm,pinworm and hookworm.
    • Pumpkin seed, wormwood, sweet Annie, male fern root, tansy leaf and clove areoften recommended for the elimination of parasites. They can be found in herbal preparationssuch as Nature’s Sunshine’s Herbal Pumpkin, Artemisia Combination and Para-Cleanse.
    • Supplement with a high quality probiotic, such as acidophilus and bifidophilusto rebuild intestinal flora. Parasites thrive in an environment absent of properintestinal flora.

    To support your body of the nutrition the parasites may be robbing you of, take a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement.

    Taking immune boosters such as cat’s claw, Echinacea and vitamins A and C with zinc will boost your immune system and help to prevent further infection.

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    Rita Louise, Ph.D.
    Dr. Rita Louise is a gifted empath and talented clairvoyant medical intuitive. She is a Naturopathic physician and the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics that trains students in the art of medical intuition, intuitive counseling, and energy medicine. She has authored six books, including her new title The Dysfunctional Dance of the Empath and Narcissist, and produced several feature-length and short films. Dr. Louise has appeared on radio, television and in movies and has lectured on health and healing, ghosts, intuition, ancient mysteries and the paranormal. Her books and articles have worldwide circulation. Visit SoulHealer.com.



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