As You Resonate


    Like attracts
    here envies there
    and good spawns evil,
    dualistically speaking.

    Outside duality
    gravity is not law,
    physically speaking.

    Here it is seen
    as magnetism
    drawing to you
    as you resonate,
    karmically speaking.

    A black hole of choice
    given unto you
    where there is no escape
    from that which comes,
    metaphorically speaking.

    A vortex of choice
    begetting results
    befitting duality,
    metaphysically speaking.

    Smoke and mirrors
    distracting this mind
    from the powers within,
    truthfully speaking.

    As you resonate
    out of the madness
    a tingling takes you beyond touch
    into knowing,
    cosmically speaking.

    All ending in a happy dream
    for giving becomes for getting
    seen as being one and the same,
    spiritually speaking.

    Like attracts
    as you reap what you sow.
    This is the law,
    naturally speaking.

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    Doug Crandall
    Doug Crandall is a stay-at-home dad living with his family in a suburb of the Twin Cities. Co-founder with Mike Meginn of, he is also a published poet and part-time philosopher. Doug worked for The Edge Magazine for six years during the 2000s. He can be contacted at [email protected].


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