Expos, Festivals, Conferences, Workshops & More


    September 6-10
    Wild River Festival
    Harriet Island and other St. Paul venues
    The inaugural Wild River Music, Comedy & Film Festival – the only national festivalpresenting a unique mix of music, comedy and film – will take place September 6-10and will feature 40 bands, 20 comedians and 36 independent films.

    The festival is the vision of Mick Sterling, Dav Kaufman and Ken Onstad, who foundedRise Media in 2006, a multimedia artist’s conglomerate featuring a record label,movie production company, and online sales and download store [www.risemediaonline.com].

    i Music – Live performances will feature Al Green, Taj Mahal, Nickel Creek,Mindy Smith, Experience Hendrix, Kelly Joe Phelps and many other artists. A diversearray of genres and styles will perform on the outdoor concert stage on Harriet Islandand the indoor settings of Roy Wilkins Auditorium (at St. Paul RiverCentre), theMinnesota Music Café (499 Payne Ave.) and Station 4 (201 E. 4th St.).

    i Comedy – Everything from saucy skits to improv troupes, performed byIdiot Box, Brave New Workshop, and Stand-Up Comedy Showcase, hosted by Colleen Kruse.The acts will be presented aboard the Minnesota Centennial Showboat on the eveningsof Thursday, Sept. 7, and Friday, Sept. 8.

    i Film – The Roy Wilkins Theater (upstairs from the main auditorium) andthe 3M Theater at the Minnesota History Center will host shorts, feature films anddocumentaries in the genres of film/filmmaking, comedy and music. Films will be judgedby a panel of industry experts and prizes will be given to winners in their respectivecategories.

    Tickets are sold through Ticketmaster. Visit www.ticketmaster.com or call (651)989-5151.

    September 24
    Conversations with God: Film screening with Stephen Simon & Neale Donald Walsch
    Northwestern Health Sciences University, 2501 W. 84th St. (84th and Penn Avenue
    S.), Bloomington, MN
    (612) 374-4948, www.continuumcenter.net, www.cwgthemovie.com

    Neale Donald Walsch never wanted his life story to become a movie. He didn’t even"ask" to write a book. He certainly had no intention of writing 22 books,or becoming the New York Times best-selling author of the "Conversations withGod" series. Neale Donald Walsch was just a man down on his luck, out of answers,in desperate need of help, who cried out to God.
    And then God answered.

    In what became a series of late night "conversations," God revealedhimself to Neale in an utterly earth shattering way. Walsch posed an endless streamof questions about life’s mysteries and uncertainties, and just like that, God illuminatedthe answers, one by one, to all of Walsch’s desperate cries. Walsch filled dozensand dozens of legal pads recording these conversations, and their messages becamethe basis for a book, and now – a major feature film.
    "I turned to God for answers because I assumed he had them," Walsch says,from his home in Ashland, Ore., where parts of the film were shot. "I was feelingterribly sorry for myself, and was convinced God was out to get me. If he had allthe answers, why couldn’t he share them with me? If everyone else knew the answers,why couldn’t I?

    "Knowing that God was there for me, and within me, picked me up off my feetagain. My conversations were empowering and revealing, in that I finally saw thatGod wasn’t out to get me, but that he was there to love me and to help me."

    Twenty-two books later, the "Conversations with God" series still hassomething to say about the role God plays in our everyday lives, and now, thousandsmore will learn the story when Conversations with God, the movie, hits thebig screen.

    The Continuum Center will host the advance screening of the film in Minneapolisat 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24. Walsch will be joined at the event by the film’s director,Stephen Simon, best known as the producer of Academy Award winning What DreamsMay Come, Somewhere in Time, and Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Ticketsare $20 ($15 for Continuum members).
    Several other sneak previews in this area are scheduled prior to national distributionon October 27:
    i October 20 – St. Joan of Arc Church, 4537 3rd Ave. S., Minneapols, sponsored byContinuum Center, (612) 374-4948.
    i October 21-22 – Unity Christ Church, 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minn., (763) 521-4793, ext. 20.
    i October 22 – Paramount Theatre, 913 W. St. Germain, St. Cloud, Minn., sponsoredby Mind Body & Spirit, Books & Gifts, (320) 203-9630.

    September 28 – October 1
    4th Annual Jeffrey Wolf Green Evolutionary Astrology Conference
    Evolutionary Astrology Network
    Sylvan Lake Resort, Custer State Park, South Dakota
    www.evolutionaryastrology.net, toll-free 1 (877) 348-5111

    An international conference on evolutionary astrology, featuring speakers from England,Canada and the United States, will feature 18 unique topics and offer the opportunityto learn from some of the world’s foremost evolutionary astrologers. EvolutionaryAstrology embraces paradigms and methodologies which specifically measure the growthof the soul from life to life.

    The conference will open from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28, and continue from8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily through Sunday, Oct. 1.
    Speakers will include: Demetra George, M.A., a practitioner of astrology for morethan 30 years specializing in archetypal mythology, speaking on the circuitous pathastrology took through the cultures of Babylonia, India, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Persia,the Islamic world, and Western Europe before arriving to the shores of America inthe 20th century; Maurice Fernandez, who lives in Colorado and maintains a busy teachingand counseling practice, speaking on the collision of chaos, order and creation andthe re-programming of our conditioning; Mark Jones, the main teacher of the EvolutionaryAstrology Schools in the U.K., speaking on the Evolutionary Method within the CompositeChart and why we attract the people we do in our lives; Kim Marie, director of theU.S. Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology and the EA CorrespondenceCourse worldwide, speaking on sexual archetypes of the Zodiac; and Scott Wolfgram,a Twin Cities-based astrologer, writer, teacher and speaker, speaking on how theevolutionary journey of the soul can be energized through employing the insightsof the Astrology of Location.

    October 6
    James Van Praagh Event
    Earl Browne Center, 6155 Earle Brown Dr., Brooklyn Center, Minn.
    (763) 433-9291, www.edgelife.net

    Psychic and Medium James Van Praagh, co-executive producer of the hit CBS drama "GhostWhisperer,"  will return to the Twin Cities at 8 p.m. Friday, October 6, courtesyof Edge Life Events.

    A special one-hour Intimate Conversation with Medium James Van Praagh, just beforethe main event from 6:30-7:30 p.m., is being offered for $155. Those who take partin this special preview also will be seated in the first four rows during the mainevent, which lasts from 8 to 10:30 p.m.

    His very natural, easy-going style would lead you to believe that James Van Praaghis chatting with a friend on the telephone, not communicating messages from the grave.James is a survival evidence medium, meaning that he is able to bridge the gap betweentwo planes of existence, that of the living and that of the dead, by providing evidentialproof of life after death via detailed messages.

    Main event tickets are $85 for preferred seating and $55 for general admission.No additional fees or service charges. There is free parking at the event. For alltickets, go to TicketWorks.com, or call (651) 209-6689 or toll-free 1 (866) 390-3343.

    October 6-8
    The Journey Into Life: What Babies Want Us To Know
    A symposium on Birth Psychology
    University of Minnesota Conference Center, St. Paul
    www.TenMoonsRising.org, www.BirthPsychology.com
    Some of the world’s foremost experts on Birth Psychology, the pioneering sciencethat researches how early experiences in the womb and at birth impact later beliefs,behavior, relationship and life patterns, will present at "The Journey IntoLife: What Babies Want Us To Know."

    Among the presenters are Dr. Thomas Verny, author of The Secret Life of theUnborn Child, and Dr. David Chamberlain, author of The Mind of Your NewbornBaby, founding members of the Association for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology& Health. They will share some of the scientific evidence amassed over the lastseveral decades that reveals remarkable abilities in infants to perceive, learn,feel and remember, which challenges the commonly held belief that babies’ underdevelopedbrains prevent them from possessing such capabilities. It has also been shown thatmany disturbing trends – hyperactivity, learning disorders, autism, depression,suicide and violence – often have their roots in early birth-related trauma.

    This symposium is being hosted by Ten Moons Rising Holistic Family Education,a Minnesota-based non-profit organization committed to raising awareness about birthpsychology and empowering parents to make informed birth and parenting choices.

    October 7-8
    Women & Spirituality Conference
    Minnesota State University, Mankato
    (507) 389-2077, www.mnsu.edu/womenst/

    The 25th annual Women & Spirituality Conference will feature Shakti Gawain, apioneer in the field of personal growth and consciousness whose workshops, retreats,books and recordings focus on personal healing, the expression of creativity andenvisioning the future to nurture change in oneself and in the world. Her many best-sellingbooks, including Creative Visualization, Living in the Light, and The Path of Transformationhave sold more than six million copies in 30 languages.

    At this year’s conference, Gawain will discuss the importance of working towardgreater consciousness, awareness, balance and wholeness.
    The Women & Spirituality Conference, hosted by the Women’s Studies Departmentat Minnesota State University, Mankato, attracts an average of 800 participants (representing15 states in 2005) and includes more than 100 workshops, varying from eclectic spirituality,healing, metaphysics, family and community, music, dance and movement arts, animals,global issues and much more.

    October 15
    Whispers of Spirit Expo
    Four Points Sheraton Hotel, on 35W at Industrial Blvd., just north of downtown Minneapolis
    www.whispersofspirit.com, e-mail [email protected], or (763) 434-4591
    The second annual Whispers of Spirit Expo will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Four Points Sheraton hotel in Minneapolis. It will feature40 holistic, spiritual and intuitive exhibitors, as well as free hourly speakers.Talks will include "Psychic Protection" by psychic and radio personalityTiffany Johnson, "Shifting Realities" by transformational facilitatorsMichele Mayama and Chris LaFontaine of Lightsmith, "Ghosts" by local ghostbusterand healer Carol Lowell, and "Uplifting the Energy of your Home" by fengshui consultant Carolyn Vinup.

    "We had an outstanding event in 2005, with an amazing amount of positivefeedback from attendees and exhibitors," said Jennifer Salness, an event organizerand co-founder of Twin Cities-based Whispers of Spirit publication, which hosts theevent. "Considering it was our first expo, we were pretty shocked – and excited,of course – at the turnout and were asked numerous times by the end of the day abouta larger expo in 2006."
    Admission at the door is $3. Exhibitors charge fees for products and services.

    October 20-22
    Northland Bioneers Conference
    Minneapolis Community and Technical College, 1501 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis
    www.northlandbioneers.org, www.bioneers.org (612) 659-6000

    The Northland Bioneers Conference is one of 18 satellite conferences happening simultaneouslyacross North America. Leading environmental thinkers and social innovators will bebroadcast live via satellite during the three-day event. Founded in 1990, Bioneersis a nonprofit organization that promotes practical environmental solutions and innovativesocial change strategies for restoring the Earth and communities. Each October inSan Rafael, Calif., the Bioneers come together as a group of leading social and scientificinnovators to share stories, present model solutions and network with each other.

    The Northland Bioneers Conference is designed to gather and inspire people inthe Midwest to utilize natural systems in developing and restoring our communities.Bioneers are scientists and artists, gardeners and economists, activists and publicservants, architects and ecologists, farmers and journalists, priests and shamans,policymakers and citizens. They are everyday people committed to solving environmentaland social problems through a reciprocal partnership with nature.

    Program topics include the global climate crisis, protection of the commons, biomimicry,waste reduction, renewable energy, natural medicines, independent media, food andfarming, and indigenous knowledge systems.
    Registration begins at 8 a.m. each day.

    October 20-22
    2006 Eck Worldwide Seminar: The Year of Giving
    Hilton Minneapolis and Minneapolis Convention Center
    www.Eckankar.org, (952) 380-2200

    The spiritual leader of Eckankar, Harold Klemp, will speak at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct.21, at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This event brings guests worldwide to Minneapolis.The ECK Worldwide Seminar celebrates the spiritual new year in ECK, signifying thehigh point or spiritual harvest in the year’s cycle. This is the beginning of a new,higher cycle for the next year.

    Newcomers to Eckankar (non-members) are welcome to attend on Saturday with nodonation requested. Those who attend may experience the following gifts: Experienceof the Light and Sound i Meet new and longtime friends i A profound dream or SoulTravel Experience i New ways to give and receive God’s love i The momentum to transformyour life i The gift of service. Enjoy workshops, seminars, roundtables, HU songsevery morning, an ECK worship service and more.

    November 10-12
    Edge Life Expo: A Holistic Experience
    Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 Second Ave. S., Minneapolis
    www.EdgeLifeExpo.com, (763) 433-9291

    The sixth annual Edge Life Expo: A Holistic Experience is a three-day event featuringspeakers, workshops, products and information to support those interested in holistichealth and healing. The event, sponsored this year by Aveda and Dynamic Minds, isexpected to attract more than 15,000 people. More than 150 exhibitors from the UnitedStates and Canada will offer information and experiences to expand awareness andthe holistic lifestyle. The event also features nationally known speakers, free mini-lectures,intuitive readers, authors, practitioners, healers and teachers. The Edge Life Expois the largest event of its kind in the Upper Midwest.

    Internationally and nationally known speakers will include Twin Cities authorsCyndi Dale and Kathryn Harwig, as well as motivational speaker Michele Blood. GeorgeCatlin, a long-time member of the Findhorn Community in Scotland, also will presentat the expo. A unique Healing Forum will debut this year. Practitioners of a varietyof healing modalities, including noted Twin Cities healer, author and psychic EchoBodine, will provide information, demonstrations and healings for participants.

    Admission is $9 daily, $20 for all three days, and bring a friend free as onefree admission will be given with each paid one. Keynote and guest speaker ticketssold separately through UptownTix.com, or by calling (651) 209-6799 or toll-free1 (866) 390-3343. Gold cards, providing access to all speakers and events all threedays are available for $150 in advance.

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    Tim Miejan
    Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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