

    When was the last time you made a promise to yourself that you did not keep? How long has it been since you told yourself that you would start a diet? Exercise more? Have you wanted to start a meditation practice but never seem to get around to beginning the process? If you find yourself answering yes, you would probably think you are suffering from procrastination, but Ralph Hubbard would tell you that your actions are rooted in fear.

    Ralph is a life coach and teacher who has developed a workshop that has helped hundreds of people release fear. It is Hubbard’s belief that fear is the core reason why many of us fail to take action in our lives. He believes it is why we do not experience peace and happiness.

    "Fear can be defined as simply not being at peace, he says. "Not feeling peace may look like guilt, anger, depression, or you might feel upset and anxious. Sometimes a person is lethargic and is just not engaging in anything. All are symptoms of fear."

    He goes on to add, "While most people recognize fear more easily as the fear of success or the fear of failure, what is often missed are everyday expressions of fear."

    Hubbard believes that being reluctant to trying a new approach at work, and not speaking your truth to those you love, are clearly signs of you in fear mode. He is convinced that if we don’t identify fear as the motivating cause of our inactivity, we cannot correct our situation effectively.

    Most people attribute their inactivity to a lack of time or money or some other cause, when in reality once a person addresses his or her fears, then they will make time for the job at hand, he says.

    To begin to rid yourself of your fears, Hubbard suggests you consider using his four-step program – the process he created that has helped many people in all walks of life rid themselves of the fears that are negatively impacting their lives.

    Four steps to releasing fear

    • Identify the fear. Discover the link between your lack of peace and a specific fear.

    • Look at your fear and name it. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of loss of control.

    • Locate the beliefs you chose that hold the fear in place. Sometimes the beliefs seem justifiable, but upon examination they are unrealistic.

    • Give up your judgments (beliefs) in favor of peace. Actually ask yourself do I choose to hold onto the belief that causes the fear or do I choose peace?"

    Sound simple? Let’s see how Hubbard’s steps might apply to a person in the arts.

    Imagine you are a photographer whose business clearly needs a sales program. You are not very busy and, hence, finding the time to create and begin to facilitate a program is not the issue, but you just can’t seem to start.

    Hubbard would ask you to identify how you feel about not getting your book out. Are you anxious or mad at yourself, are you feeling guilty? Any or all of these feelings are fear-based reactions.

    Identifying the fear is next. Why are you not taking the book out? Are you worried about negative reactions? Are you afraid of rejection? Just ask yourself "What am I afraid of?" and then leave a space in your mind for the answers to bubble up.

    Locate the beliefs that hold this fear in place. A fear of rejection might be rooted in the belief that you feel that what others say about you is true. Or you believe that you are supposed to be perfect…or perhaps you believe that everyone is supposed to love your work.

    Hubbard feels that most beliefs we hold are impossible standards that no one can live up to. For example, it would be ridiculous to believe that EVERYONE will like or need your photography…. However many people hold these unexamined beliefs and never realize that they even have them, let alone realize that they are at the core of their dysfunction.

    "When beliefs are looked at and examined," Hubbard says, "one can see them for what they truly are. It becomes clear then that the belief is not valid."

    Choose the belief or peace. After seeing the belief for what it is, an unrealistic demand on yourself, you could choose to give up the belief that "everyone should love your work." Without that expectation, you will be able to show your portfolio, and be in peace.

    Benefits of releasing fear

    It all sounds so simple. Hubbard is convinced that it is.

    "As you identify the belief that everybody should love your work," you are able to see how unrealistic that belief is. A new truth surfaces and you are able to see the reality that what you believed is false. You are now able to recognize that you have chosen the belief that has caused the fear. You can now choose to give it up in favor of no belief (no expectation about how people will react to your work). This is choosing peace."

    Many of us have tons of fear stemming from a variety of false beliefs. Acknowledging and identifying them and letting go of the false beliefs connected to them is hugely beneficial.

    Of the many gifts you can expect, Hubbard mentions freedom.

    "After releasing any kind of fear, freedom is one of the main benefits you will experience. Without fear of rejection, you would be free to take your work out to prospects without worrying about their reaction You would simply see portfolio presentations and all other sales tools as a necessary part of selling your work. Your attachment to any expectations would be gone. You will feel free to create new images, or develop a new photographic style. You are able to explore your creativity without worrying about others’ expectations or opinions."

    Fear guru Ralph Hubbard is convinced that many of your blocks stem from your fears. He is equally certain that you can address your fears, change your beliefs and find peace. The result is a life where commitments to self and others are kept, goals are met, and happiness is supremely present.

    Breakthrough to Success Event in Twin Cities

    Selina Maitreya and Ralph Hubbard will present a unique two-hour program during which they will share their findings on how creative professionals are held hostage by out-moded beliefs that inhibit success. Using a combination of real life examples and audience participation, the presenters will walk the audience through the steps from immobility to breakthrough. Attendees will learn the nature of negative patterns, what a breakthrough looks like, and how goals, objectives and accountabilities will change as a result of the breakthrough.

    An evening lecture will take place from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14, at the Minnesota Center for Photography, 165 13th Ave. NE, Minneapolis. The fee is $10 ($5 MCP members).

    A daylong Saturday Workshop – Breakthrough to Success – will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16, at the Minnesota Center for Photography, 165 13th Ave. NE, Minneapolis. The fee is $250 ($225 MCP members). The workshop is geared to creative professionals on marketing, sale, and financial management provide useful techniques and tips, but frequently overlook the real underlying obstacle that get in the way of success – FEAR. Selina Maitreya and Ralph Hubbard have developed unique strategies to help people in the creative industry identify and release fears, while replacing them with steps toward success.

    To register for either program, call (612) 824-5500 or visit www.mncp.org

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    Selina Maitreya
    Selina Maitreya has been a spiritual student for over 30 years. An international lecturer author and teacher. Selina works with students one on one helping them to "Make Their Life Their Practice" Visit her website at www.selinamaitreya.com.


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