News from Edge Life

Dreamwalker Transitions™

A three-day transformation course, St. Germain’s Dreamwalker Transitions™ school, intended for those who are truly open to a new understanding of what happens after you die, will be presented December 8-10 in the Twin Cities by Jane Hamilton, a New Energy Teacher with an extensive background in nursing and assisting individuals through transitions from birth through the dying process.

St. Germain’s Dreamwalker Transitions™ school presents a new perspective on life and the profound implications of making conscious choice as a truly self-trusting, sovereign being. It teaches the art of the re-emerging profession of Dreamwalking.

Dreamwalking classes, which have been well-received in Europe, the U.S. and Australia, have roots in ancient cultures in various forms and are now re-emerging in a world where death and dying have become highly clinical and fearful. With the unique perspective afforded in this school, there is the opportunity to overcome the fear of dying and more importantly, how to live.

This Twin Cities event will be presented from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8-9, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10. The cost is $495 (includes certification). For more information, contact Jane Hamilton by e-mail at or call (651) 698-5927 or visit

Christmas Meditation service

MINNEAPOLIS – The public is invited to add a higher dimension to their holidays this year with a day of devotional meditation on Saturday, Dec. 9, focused on the spiritual aspects of Christmas.

The Center for Inner Awakening, a meditation-focused yoga center in Minneapolis, applies the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi) in a non-sectarian manner for anyone interested in spiritual growth.

Yogananda, a spiritual Master himself, had many visions of and visitations with Jesus the Christ. He taught that Christ Consciousness wasn’t unique to Jesus but something we all can, and should, strive to attain. To commemorate the Christ Consciousness as manifest in Jesus – and potentially in all of us – Yogananda started a tradition of day-long meditation sessions to help people deepen their attunement to that universal Christ Consciousness.

Following in this tradition, the Center for Inner Awakening will host a similar meditation from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on December 9. There will be a break at 12:30 p.m. for those who can only attend the morning half. Coming for just the afternoon is not allowed. The center is located at 4100 42nd Ave. S., Minneapolis. Donations will be accepted. RSVP with Alan L. Pritz at (612) 721-4100 by Friday, Dec. 8. For more information, visit

Winter Solstice with Libana

MINNEAPOLIS – An evening of ritual, participatory singing and performance in celebration of Winter Solstice will be presented Saturday, Dec. 16, by Breathe In Sing Out Productions. Seasonal songs from around the world will be sung and led by Libana, a music troupe that performs women’s traditional and contemporary music and dance from around the globe and is dedicated to bringing the joy of singing into people’s everyday lives.

The event – at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16, at All God’s Children MCC, 3100 Park Ave., Minneapolis – will be interwoven with a ritual honoring the longest night of the year facilitated by the Tree and the Well ritual artists. Tickets are $18/$20 through Amazon Bookstore or

Prior to the event, at 1 p.m., Libana will facilitate a half-day workshop earlier in the day teaching many of these and other songs easily learned and shared with your next group songcircle. Cost of the Community Singing Workshop is $25. For more information, visit

Winter Solstice event

MINNEAPOLIS – On the night of the winter solstice, Spirit United Church will honor the renewal and rebirth of light, of warmth and of life with powerful and remarkable ritual. The church community will join with the spirits of ancestors at this crucial turning of the year to assist the light in its rebirth. Participants are invited to bring drums and rattles for open drumming, starting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 21. The drumming is the prelude and preparation for the ceremony, which begins at 7 p.m. The community will join together in music and chant, in movement, meditation and song, to invoke and to celebrate the birth of light. All are welcome. Free will offering.

Also, on Sunday, Dec. 24, Spirit United will celebrate at 4 p.m. with a Christmas Eve candlelight service with music and readings.

Spirit United Church is located at 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis. It is a spiritual community that embraces ageless wisdom, esoteric Christianity and the unifying principles of all spiritual paths that demonstrate love, compassion and unity. Call (612) 378-3602 or visit

New Years Eve alternative

MAPLEWOOD, Minn. – The Benedictine Center is offering an overnight retreat for those who’d like to end the old year in a quiet setting and welcome the New Year in peace. "Crossing the Threshold of a New Year," is an annual event of St. Paul’s Monastery that will help participants reflect on the blessings and challenges of 2007. It will take place Sunday, Dec. 31, through Monday, Jan. 1.

The co-leaders are Mary Martin, hospital chaplain, spiritual director and Benedictine oblate; and Carol Rennie, OSB, prioress of St. Paul’s Monastery.

The $85 fee includes room and board. To register online, go to and follow the Benedictine Center Link. For information, call (651) 777-7251 or The Benedictine Center, a ministry of the Benedictine Center of St. Paul’s monastery, is located at 2675 Larpenteur Avenue East in Maplewood.

Dreamer Dreamer

A new website has been created to link people with dreams that others also may be dreaming – perhaps at the same time.

The site –, gives the viewer the ability to enter a dream (and other data about the dream) online, and then upon submission, automatically compare it to all other dreams in the database. The public can post and search the dream database. Free membership gives additional features like automatically storing your dreams in your diary and the ability to post comments about yours or other dreamer’s dream posts.

"What interests me is whether or not other people have had similar dreams or even better yet, the same dream," writes the site’s creator, Allan Sturm. "Was that person in my dream really just someone from my own consciousness, or could I have met someone for ‘real’ in the dreamscape?"

More than 1,500 visitors have seen the site since June 2006.



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