2007 will be a wondrous year of change for all. Examining ourselves and our world around us with intentions of how to reinvent and improve what we have created will be a major focus for the entire year. Astrologically, the later part of 2006 has gifted many souls with resources and opportunities to create something new. In 2007, we will be pushed to use these gifts to change our self, our businesses and organizations to enhance and improve them to be the best that they can be. To begin this process, we must first begin with our own self-examination.
To move forward with change, you must first know where you are before you can determine where you would like to be. We must be able to see our self from an honest point of view to be able to change and grow. You honestly determine what you like and dislike about yourself on a physical, energy, emotional, intellectual, intuitive and spiritual level. Take the time to look at each individual level as a separate part of yourself. If you do not know where you are, you cannot know where you are going. You need a point of reference from which to grow and change, and a point from which to measure your growth. Once you determine the likes and dislikes about yourself, your businesses and your organizations, you can use the resources and opportunities given to you to decide how to create what you dream.
When you determine where you are, then dream the impossible dream. Visualize the ultimate change and how it would feel. Never hold yourself back with excuses, impossibilities or time delays. I personally have dreamed of creating my own professional recording studio, a dream that was created when I was a traveling professional musician. Thirty-four years later, it has now become a reality. Persistence is the key.
One day during one of my deep meditation sessions, I had a vision. I was climbing up a ladder into the clouds where I found a trap door. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside to see where I was. I look around and I saw a group of strangely dressed people. As I approached, them I was shocked to see a group of many great masters, Jesus, Buddha, Gopal Dos, Quan Yin and others. The first words out of my mouth were, "Please excuse me. I must have come in through the wrong door."
To my surprise, they responded by saying, "No, Michael you belong here."
"There must be some mistake," I said. "I do not understand."
"It is your persistence," they said. "No matter what we or the universe throw at you, your persistence always prevails through it. This builds the foundation for us to teach you all that you need to know!"
"But my life is more messed up and dysfunctional then most all of the people I know," I said.
At this point Jesus took my hand and showed me his reincarnation after he was crucified. He was a "Lady of the Evening."
"Jesus, why would you choose such a life after being such a great teacher?"
"So that I could feel and understand the feelings of my close friend Mary Magdalene."
Of course, Mary Magdalene was never really proven to be a "Lady of the Evening" and I feel many lifetimes away from ever being considered a master, but this vision given to me by my spirit guides taught me some very important lessons. I learned to never judge a soul’s evolution by the role they may have chosen to play in this lifetime, and I learned that persistence is the key to all spiritual growth.
As a minister for Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, it is a tremendous challenge to be a leader in helping to create an organization that honors all beliefs. To meet the needs of so many wonderfully gifted and diverse souls is not an easy task. To become the best we can be as a community, we are at a point of being ready for needed change in 2007. With great excitement, a plan with many radical changes has been proposed to restructure services, ministerial guides and provide more involvement by the community. This change creates a fear of going into the unknown and failing, but it also creates excitement of new possibilities of "going where no man as gone before."
Through commitment and persistence, we, as a community, will hold hands and jump into the cold water together, knowing that when one of us needs help we will be there for each other to help persist and make it through. This is what building community is all about.
Take time to look at the new resources and opportunities that the universe has gifted you with in 2006. Embrace them and claim them as yours. Dream and visualize the impossible and know that all dreams can come true. But most of all, be persistent. This is the stuff that masters are made of. Time, money, obstacles and impossibilities are conquered by persistence. 2007 is your year to dive into the cold water of change with your eyes closed, but your heart open, to position you "to go where no Soul has gone before!"