An Intuitive Look at 2007


    Happy New Year, from the Edge Life staff! To help all of us get a sense of what we might face during the next 12 months, we invited some of the brightest lights and clearest seers to share their visions of 2007. Remember, all predictions are valid at the time they are seen. You have the power to create a wonderful year for yourself.

    TIFFANY JOHNSON from Fatima

    This is a time of great release and relief to some and to others great fear. Allow yourself to find the one within. Play with the inner child. Allow the higher self to come through. For he and she is the one of truth. She knows the way. He understands fulfillment. Loving energies are descending upon Mother Earth, for she has been asking for it and it’s well deserved. Take this in. Stop looking for motive. It’s deserved and asked for from one and all.

    Greater knowingness is coming to one and all. I often speak to those that are pursing their path, but even those that do not understand their way and their evolution will begin to see this year. Blessed waves of Spirit will be coming to all beings, ready or not.

    Watch your intentions in this new time. For what is asked will come. Understand your motive behind all things. This is the most important and key to what you will manifest. Know why you ask for what you do. Really find the truth and necessity in it finding you.

    Watch for energetic shifts over India. This place is sacred and holy. Many of you hearing my message today will feel a call to go there. Do. It will reawaken and reopen our 8th Chakra, which many have but few, right now, align with. This is the Chakra of our forefathers and mothers. Connect with this energy of the starpeople.

    Love is truth…. And only the truth is real.

    Contact Tiffany Johnson at


    It is my prediction that 2007, like all years, will be a year of change and challenge and beautiful opportunity.

    In this New Year, obstacles will be overcome. Opportunities will be recognized. There will be tears of both pain and joy. Relationships will dissolve and others will spring up. Love will be found and strengthened, but sometimes its gifts may be just out of reach. We will debate and argue and sometimes make the wrong decisions. We will feel the power of personal triumph.

    There will be ski trips and picnics and parties. Snowballs will be thrown. Songs will be sung. Dances will be danced. There will be many first kisses. School will end, and then start all too soon. Jobs will be won, and new passions discovered. Pictures will be painted. Gardens will thrive, and rabbits will seem to thwart our every protection. Sap will run, snow will fall. Beauty will be recognized. Sunsets will be watched. And we will feel that sun shining upon our face.

    We will learn! We will experience! We will feel.

    Some of us will move to another place in the coming year. Many others will stay where we are. The hope and grace of new life will begin again and again and again.

    My most important predictions, though, are these:

    You will remember that you are the most powerful force for creation in this Universe. You will love unconditionally. You will discover a hidden talent and then use it. You will help someone. Someone will help you. Your life will continue to have deep and significant meaning.

    You will live like you are intrinsically connected to everyone everywhere, and your changes, challenges, and beautiful opportunities

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    Previous article2007: Change and New Intentions
    Next articleBreathing Peace
    Tim Miejan
    Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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