Art News from Edge Life

Bob Dylan in Minnesota
The Bell Museum Auditorium will host the U.S. theatrical premier of Tangled Up
in Bob: Searching for Bob Dylan, a Minnesota Story
, a new film portrait about
Bob Dylan’s Minnesota roots. The film is part of a multimedia Bob Dylan Retrospective
at the Weisman Museum in Minneapolis. The film opens at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 3, with Minnesota native and director Mary Feidt and writer Natalie Goldberg
answering questions following both presentations. The film also will be shown February
4-7 at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m., with a Sunday matinee at 5:15 p.m. The Minnesota Film
Arts’ Bell Museum Auditorium venue is located at 17th and University Avenue SE, Minneapolis.
Admission is $8 general, $6 seniors/students, and $5 members of Minnesota Film Arts.
Visit The Dylan exhibit at the Weisman, which runs through April
29, is a touring exhibition from Experience Music Project in Seattle. It presents
music, film, lyric sheets, letters, album covers, musical instruments, photography
and other artifacts to explore Dylan’s artistic development and his ability to mirror
and influence the day’s volatile social and cultural changes.Visit

Political Theater
Teatro del Pueblo presents its sixth annual Political Theatre Festival, in collaboration
with Intermedia Arts and in association with the Resource Center of the Americas
and the University of Minnesota, February 15 through March 4, at Intermedia Arts,
2822 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis. This festival brings political issues and theatre
together to create a forum where ideas and information are exchanged. Tickets are
$15 for adults, $13 for students, seniors and those with a Fringe Festival button.
For ticket reservations call (612) 871-4444. For festival information, call (651)
224-8806 or visit



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