A Preview Of New Books, Music, Products On The Horizon Of Edge Life’s View


    New buzz: Minneapolis-based rock band 13 Hertz, a blend of the psychedelia of The Verve and the earthiness of Ben Harper, has released its second full-length album, Bluebird. Led by vocalist T. Perry Bowers, guitarists Charlie Henrikson and Lila Karash, drummer Nathan Fryett and bassist Rob Aurand explore intricate grooves that transport you out of ordinary time and place you at the foot of your inner spirit. Check it out if you enjoy Zeppelin’s dreamy moments. It features "sensitive melodies and solid instrumentals (Pulse magazine). Visit www.13hertz.com and learn more at www.myspace.com/13hertz.

    New worldview: Malcolm Hollick, who joined the Findhorn Community in 1997 and was foundation principal of Findhorn Foundation College, begins his book, The Science of Oneness: A Worldview for the Twenty-first Century, with this thought: "I embarked on the journey of this book because I wanted to help make the world a better place." As the chapter "A Brief History of the Universe" implies, this is not a simple read for a rainy Sunday afternoon. It is, however, a worthy primer of what humankind knows and intuits about reality, about the self, and about the consciousness that fills the empty space. Each of the seven parts of the book (Towards a Science of Oneness; The Science of Systems; Relativity and Quantum Physics; The Evolution of the Cosmos; Life; Brain, Mind and Consciousness; and Spirit and Spirituality) are followed by a review of the information presented, and a meditative reflection to inspire remembrance by helping you tap into your intuitive, subconscious knowing. The Science of Oneness is available at amazon.com.

    New organizer: Jennifer Louden, a Body & Soul columnist, mother and author, writes that she "had to create a new way of dealing with the overwhelm after trying to squash my life into organizing systems that didn’t fit and didn’t help. Thus, she wrote The Life Organizer: A Woman’s Guide to a Mindful Year. Use this undated planner to connect with your innate intuition throughout each and every day. Available at amazon.com.

    New on intuition: Bestselling author Shakti Gawain invites us to listen to the small voice of wisdom within each of us. In the newly released audio version of Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance for Daily Life, the author provides simple, practical lessons to do just that. "Intuition is an important resource that can greatly contribute to success and fulfillment in life," the author says. "It is a natural part of us – our birthright – and yet many of us have lost touch with it. Once we know how to follow it, intuition is a very accurate guiding force in all aspects of life."

    New audio book: "James Allen shows us so clearly that the key to our personal power is in our minds, and he shows us how to use that key to unlock the greatest success and fulfillment we can imagine," notes Marc Allen in the introduction of a newly released audio CD book, As You Think. Originally published in 1904, titled As a Man Thinketh, James Allen’s classic reveals deep insights into the essential relationship of your thoughts to life circumstances, physical health, personal character, life purpose, achievement and serenity. Listen to this new, modern version read by Marc Allen. Find it at www.NewWorldLibrary.com.

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    Tim Miejan
    Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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