Author Richard Smoley to speak on Inner Christianity at Spirit United Church

    MINNEAPOLIS – Many books and teachers today are saying that there are lost secrets embedded in the Christian tradition, secrets that the official churches have ignored or suppressed. What are these hidden truths? They can be viewed as expressions of inner Christianity or esoteric Christianity, the inner truth that lies behind the surface forms of the faith.

    In a weekend workshop, author Richard Smoley will introduce participants to the central teachings of esoteric Christianity. He’ll talk about the history of this tradition, which reaches back to antiquity to the days of the Gnostics. He’ll discuss some of its key teachings: the inner Christ; the tripartite structure of body, soul, and spirit; gnosis, or inner illumination; and agape, or conscious love. He’ll describe the cosmology of traditional Christianity and how it fits in with current scientific concepts. And he’ll also explore the notion of the secret Church and the esoteric traditions as manifested in the teachings of the Gnostics and Rosicrucians. Guided meditations and in-depth discussions will enable participants to experience these truths for themselves.

    Richard Smoley has over 25 years of experience of studying and practicing the Western esoteric traditions. He is the author of Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition; The Essential Nostradamus; and Forbidden Faith: The Gnostic Legacy from the Gospels to The Da Vinci Code. He is also author of Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions. He is the former editor of Gnosis magazine and is currently editor of Quest Books. His website is

    All events will take place at Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis.

    • Friday, May 4, 7 p.m. – Introduction to the central teachings and history of
      esoteric Christianity. Lecture, $20 at the door.
    • Saturday, May 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. – The key teachings of esoteric Christianity
      explored, through guided meditations and in-depth discussions. Workshop, $75, lunch
      included. Please call to register.
    • Sunday, May 6, 10:30 a.m. – Richard Smoley is the guest speaker at the Sunday

    For more details, or to register, call (612) 378-3602 or e-mail

    Spirit United Church [] is located between Minneapolis and St. Paul. It is a spiritual community of approximately 100 active members. It embraces ageless wisdom, esoteric Christianity and the unifying principles of all spiritual paths that demonstrate love, compassion and unity.



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