A Preview of New Books, Music, Products on the Horizon of Edge Life’s View

New poetry | What Light, by mnartists.org

An anthology featuring the work of 27 Minnesota poets has been published by mnartists.org, an online database of Minnesota artists and organizations from all disciplines developed and maintained in partnership with the Walker Art Center and the McKnight Foundation. Edited by poet and critic Lightsey Darst and showcasing the work of 27 Minnesota poets, the book features such esteemed poets as Anna George Meek, Ryan Vine, Jen March, Robert Buchko, Joyce Sutphen, Cass Dalglish, and Thom Swiss. Cover art for the book was provided by Michael James Lawrence with illustrations by Lisa Bergh, both mnartists.org members. What Light is on sale for $12 through mnartists.org and Magers & Quinn Booksellers, with all proceeds from online sales and 50 percent of sales from Magers & Quinn going toward mnartists.org programming to support Minnesota poets. "This generous collection of poetry includes writers of great sophistication and experience, as well as exciting poets relatively new to the craft," notes Connie Wanek, winner of the Witter Bynner Fellowship in poetry. Many of the poems in the anthology come from the original weekly online poetry series "What Light: This Week’s Poem" on mnartists.org, launched during National Poetry Month in April 2006, and sponsored by Magers & Quinn Booksellers. Darst and mnartists.org editor Ann Klefstad coordinate the series, posting a new poem every Monday on mnartists.org and magersandquinn.com, along with a profile of the poet.

New music | Outta My Head, by Anna Laube

Folk singer-songwriter Anna Laube’s debut album, Outta My Head (Ginkgo Records), is receiving great acclaim. Anna has been described as "a name you’ll want to remember" (San Francisco Bay Guardian) and "an outstanding singer with a sultry, soulful sound," (Americana UK). Matt Forsman of SF Station notes Anna’s "unquestionable" talent and writes of the new recording: "Laube’s vocals are broad and resonant, enabling her to reflect on love with appropriate gravity and whimsy. Part Emmylou Harris, Lucinda Williams, and a good part uniquely Anna, Laube’s got the pipes for this kind of material." A native of Iowa City, Iowa, and Madison, Wisc., Laube offers 12 meditations on love. Buy the disc at annalaube.com and explore more about the artist at www.myspace.com/annalaube.

New on Now | Journey Into Now, by Leonard Jacobson

Like Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, author Leonard Jacobson’s remarkable new book, Journey Into Now, takes the reader to the next level, providing answers to questions that must eventually be addressed by those seeking to awaken. How do we heal and complete the past, so that we can be more available to the present? What are the primary obstacles to awakening? What is the role of healing, forgiveness and repentance in awakening? How do we live consciously in an unconscious world? Jacobson, a world-renowned spiritual teacher and author, reveals a simple approach to awakening that cuts through all the spiritual jargon. Founder of The Conscious Living Foundation, Jacobson writes for those who all those genuinely seeking to awaken, and for all those who do not yet realize that they are genuinely seeking to awaken. Available at Amazon.com. For more, visit www.leonardjacobson.com. Look for the Edge Life interview with the author in the June edition.



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