News from Edge Life


Fire the Grid

MINNEAPOLIS – A global meditation event, entitled "Fire the Grid," will take place on Tuesday, July 17, to promote peace and harmony throughout the planet. The event has inspired many organizations from around the world to take part, including Neale Donald Walsch’s Humanity’s Team.

A group meditation will take place at 6:11 a.m. and at 7 p.m. on July 17 at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 44th and Upton Ave. S., in Minneapolis.

The collective meditation practice is being observed worldwide at 6:11 a.m. Central Standard Time (11:11 Greenwich Time) and last for one hour. Participants are invited to pray, meditate or do whatever feels right to them as they connect with their divine creator at that time. Those who take part are to focus on feeling joy and love, and then express gratitude and send those sentiments to the planet.

"Fire the Grid" refers to the act of sending love through the energy field of the Earth. Shelley Yates, organizer of the global event, says man-made pollution, greed, violence and human attachment to possessions has weakened the planet’s energy field. She says that when a person chooses to focus on joy and feel gratitude – choosing to embrace one’s soul essence and intend loving actions over revengeful or angry ones – it lightens up the personal grid or energy system.

Participants are encouraged to prepare for "Fire the Grid" by:

  • Practicing joy and giving gratitude, doing random acts of kindness, and listening to music, even as background while you work.
  • Lifting your energy out of fear and greed, using any method that brings you joy – listening to music, praying, meditating, gardening, hiking or even watching a baseball game and drinking a beer.
  • Practicing the act of creating joy in your personal space. When someone cuts you off in traffic, find love in your heart and send it out.
  • Loving yourself. Elevate and sustain your consciousness.

For more information, visit

New healing boutique

EXCELSIOR, Minn. – Belle Esprit, a new boutique offering a unique assortment of products and gifts to calm the mind, lift the spirit, rejuvenate the soul, and de-stress the body, will celebrate its grand opening from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, July 7, in Excelsior, featuring a free seminar at 2 p.m. with guest speaker Nicole Stone, a professional life coach. Those who attend also will receive a free aromatherapy gift and be invited to enjoy the shop’s organic ice tea and bakery.

Belle Esprit is located at 438 2nd St. in Excelsior. Parking is available in the city parking lot between 2nd and 3rd streets.

The boutique was created by Lisa Carl, a former floral designer, art director and graphic designer.

"After having survived several life-altering experiences," Lisa said, "I began to implement my business plan based on my desire for a new and more rewarding endeavor. I wanted to share with others some of the things that helped me get through the experiences. These included exercise, eating healthy, reading, prayer, meditation, yoga and strong relationships with family and friends. This holistic combination gave birth to the idea of providing products and resources to help others achieve a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. From this, Belle Esprit, meaning ‘Beautiful Spirit,’ was born."

Belle Esprit provides holistic health and wellness products, services and information resources under one roof, including natural and organic skin and beauty care products, soy candles, aromatic and therapeutic grade essential oils, organic designer soap, inspirational and self-help books, music and audio CDs for learning, yoga, massage and meditation needs, organic apparel and accessories, inspirational jewelry, cards and gifts, organic tea, coffee and bakery, and nutritional supplements and herbal products.

Contact Belle Esprit at (952) 401-6300, or email The store’s website,, currently is being developed.

Awaken the Shaman Within

SAVAGE, Minn. – A special workshop allowing participants to awaken vision of their soul’s purpose – "Awaken the Shaman Within" – will be presented July 20-21 by Star Wolf, founder of the Shamanic Breathwork Process™, and her husband, Brad Collins, a Shamanic Breathwork™ facilitator, at Unity of the Valley, 4011 W. Highway 13, in Savage.

The two-day event, presented by the Venus Rising Institute for Shamanic Healing Arts of North Carolina, will feature the Shamanic Breathwork™ process, a healing tool that integrates ancient shamanic wisdom with modern healing practices. The event will be from 7-9 p.m. on July 20, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on July 21. The cost is $150.

Star Wolf, a doctor of ministry with a master’s degree in shamanic healing arts, has been a psycho-spiritual midwife for more than 25 years. She helps people release old patterns and experience healing in their lives. She is co-author of Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt: Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart with Nicki Scully. Brad Collins, a certified pastoral counselor, is founder of the Men’s Initiatory Process: The Path of the Shamanic Priest. He leads workshops and retreats to help men reclaim lost masculine archetypes.

For more information and registration, call (952) 250-2543 or e-mail

EarthFusion Festival

MINNEAPOLIS – Eclectic music, sustainable workshops and socially conscious speakers will be woven together on August 11 for the second annual EarthFusion Festival: Gathering to Celebrate and Nurture Change in Loring Park. EarthFusion Festival will combine the traditional concept of a summer music festival with workshops on creating just and sustainable communities. It is geared toward providing the most engaging and progressive spectrum of festival activities.

"First and foremost, we’re creating EarthFusion as a gathering where people can connect with peers on social and environmental issues and become empowered to engage in positive social change," said festival coordinator Gina Letizia. "At the same time, the festival is a celebration where people will come to have fun and enjoy the diverse array of talent the area has to offer."

Local artists Maria Isa, Quilombolas and Sha Cage are among the talented acts slated to perform at EarthFusion Festival. Building on the theme of social change, EarthFusion will generate its energy through a network of "exposure points," where festival-goers can be challenged by new subjects and explore new ways of approaching everyday life. Participants can gain exposure through keynote speeches from green entrepreneurs, workshops on non-violent communications, and mentoring opportunities with festival partners like Bioneers and Alliance for Sustainability. Go beyond the music and workshops and see EarthFusion reach out to participants through performance art, including dance, theater, poetry and breakdancing. While all of the festival’s events are completely voluntary, EarthFusion is geared toward giving attendees an interactive experience. Letizia states, "My intention is that people will look back and feel they were involved with something of great importance at EarthFusion." For those involved in organizing EarthFusion festival, nothing could be of greater importance than to promote sustainability as a way of life, so that life may continue.

For complete details, visit or email

Helping Troops Heal

A new website has been formed to create a network to provide relief from stress for troops and their families. is seeking volunteers to assist those who have suffered stress as a result of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

" is dedicated to creating a nationwide community of caring people who want to give back to our soldiers and their families for all that they do for us regardless of politics" said Devin Hastings, website creator and president of the Minnesota Institute of Advanced Communication Skills.

Hastings, a former Army Specialist, added, "Once you are military, no matter what branch, there is a tattoo on your soul that binds you forever to others in the military."

He said he is offering free weight-loss and diabetes control seminars, and he is giving away $30,000 worth of informational CDs to raise awareness of the website and attract volunteers.

"There are no sales pitches in these free seminars," he said, "nor are there any ads or pitches on the website. I just want to let people know about the website so that maybe they will volunteer or let their friends know about it. We need to give back in any way we can to those who give so much for us.

"Whether a person can rake leaves for a stressed military family at home, fix their car, offer healing services of any kind to families or soldiers, it doesn’t matter. What matters is we need to go beyond politics and get back to our American roots of caring for one another."

Hastings is the author of two books on the applications of hypnosis and behavioral change methods and he is an international speaker on these subjects. He has given presentations to AT&T, the Better Business Bureau, Law enforcement agencies and other organizations. He hosts "Create Change," a radio program at 8 a.m. on Saturdays on Air America Minnesota 950 AM to help people solve their problems.

For more information, visit or, or call toll-free 1 (877) 6HEALER.

Chiropractic Center Relocates

ST. LOUIS PARK, Minn. – After more than eight years at Miracle Mile Shopping Center, Golden Sun Chiropractic Wellness Center has relocated to 7035 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 100, in St. Louis Park. The new office is conveniently located downstairs from Vikings Discount Blinds, off Louisiana Avenue and Highway 394.

The new, larger office has allowed the addition of new practitioners and services.

"In addition to chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, kinesiology and nutrition, we have added a physical therapist," said Dr. Una Forde. "Also sharing our new office is The Right Touch, which offers Electro-Dermal Screening for allergies, as well as An Eye On Cleansing, which provides ion-cleanse detoxification therapy."

The holistic center plans to offer fitness classes in Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Pilates, Brain Gym and Bal-A-Vis-X in the near future. Call (952) 922-1478 for more information.

The Wisdom Festival

SAN FRANCISCO – A new two-day event, The Wisdom Festival: Building a Culture of Wisdom & New Paradigms in Business, will take place September 15-16 in San Francisco, allowing participants to discuss how to take what they’ve learned through books, teachings and experience and combine it with insight and apply it to careers, relationships and personal lives.

Speakers will include Dan Millman (The Peaceful Warrior), Dannion Brinkley (Saved by the Light) and many others, and the festival also will feature: discussion panels on Future Wisdom, Religious Wisdom, Transformative Wisdom and Wisdom of the Planet; a special extended workshop on Kabbalah; new paradigms in business; the art of transformation featuring 2D, 3D and 4D art; and music and dance. The community of like-minded individuals will explore together what it means to be human, at this crucial and profound historical moment.

Admission is $79. For more information, visit

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at


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