Charting the Heavens in January


The Sun, traveling through Capricorn this month, emboldens us to own our personal authority and enter more fully into life with a renewed sense of purpose born of inner wisdom…until it enters Aquarius on 1/20 and we birth and nurture new visions. The new moon on 1/8 in Capricorn finds us feeling more confident to take on new responsibilities. The full moon on 1/22 in Leo brings out our childlike innocence and creativity. The beauty of higher structures is that they can support us in expressing our authenticity.

Mars in Gemini opposes Pluto in Sag on 1/2 and we consider what is worth exploring and turns direct on 1/30 (having traveled retrograde since November 15). Mercury enters Aquarius on 1/7 as we throw caution to the wind and say what’s on our mind. Mercury then turns retrograde on 1/28 (until February 18). Jupiter in Capricorn trines Saturn in Virgo on 1/21, infusing our sense of discernment as we trust ourselves to exist inside of structures without losing ourselves. Venus conjuncts Pluto on 1/23 in Sag and then enters Capricorn on 1/24. We honor what we have come to know and now move forward with confidence.

We are in the brink of a great shift as Pluto leaves Sagittarius, where it has been since 1995, and moves into Capricorn (on 1/25) where it will be (with the exception of a short dip back into Sag) until 2024. The last time Pluto traveled through this sign was from 1762 through 1778 during which time the American Revolution occurred. There will no doubt be great changes in the years ahead as structures are transformed into much healthier and empowering places for us all to inhabit and use for both self-improvement and true collective evolution.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Happy Birthday, Capricorn! One of the greatest gifts of creating healthy boundaries is that it allows us to merge with others in wondrous ways. You start off your new year with a greater sense of ease and balance when it comes to coexisting on more intimate levels with others. Pursue what draws you and trust your ability to be closer without losing yourself.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…There is a great sense of fulfillment for you when you share your compassion with those who are in need of love and acceptance. You exude a palpable kindness which grows stronger as you show up emotionally for your fellow man. You feel the wealth of understanding that life’s winding road has brought to you as you nourish others.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…It is essential for you to make the connection between your spiritual dwelling and life here for you on earth. Connecting the two is where your power lies now, Pisces. It is through embodying our higher nature that we come to make this world more holy. You are called upon to make what you know is possible real here in this time and place.

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You are drawn to things that are outside your normal pursuits now, Aries. What do you value? These are the places that call you and draw you near. There is more to life than material things and sensual indulgence. Expand your horizons and look into things you may have passed by before.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20)…You are shaken loose in order to be free to ground new and more profound things in the future, Taurus. This is a world of change and as the old becomes outmoded, we need your great skills to facilitate the manifestation and grounding of the new. Any security that you lose in the moment will be greatly rewarded with much more stability later.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)…You have done your part, and now you must relinquish control and let things come to fruition in their own time, Gemini. Let your curiosity draw you in new directions and go there. That space of surrender and release leaves you in the highest seat of receptivity. Your efforts will not go unrewarded.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)…The most nourishing thing you can do now, Cancer, is turn your attention away from the rest of the world and tend to yourself with kindness. You just turn the volume down and tune out, and as you do, you find yourself there in the silence feeling gratitude. Just as psychics have to give themselves permission to tune out what they do not want to be listening to, you need to do the same with the emotional world and needs of others now.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)…The best part of surviving hardships is the heightened appreciation we have for the good times when all feels right in our world. You are able to find delightful satisfaction in the sweetest places and you experience the details of the simplest successes. There is joy to be found and you see it plainly.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…That great Virgo power of analysis makes stressful times as intense as possible…but now you bask in the organic flow of release as you trust life. It is your nature to work to solve things when they are not seeming to go right, but now you are more tuned into the power of life to unfold as it will and turn out well.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…You long for the calm that the familiar brings. Go there now, Libra. Take refuge in what you know and what feels safe to you. There are times for expanding our horizons and times for regenerating in the sanctity that what we already understand gives to us. Give yourself all the time in the world.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…It’s okay to be simple, Scorpio. Your nature is to carry the deeper consciousness, which is familiar and what you are normally busy doing. Now, you take a lighter path and let others work on the heavy stuff for a while. There is so much pleasure to be had, and when you are naturally deep, even the simplest of life’s pleasures are vastly wondrous.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…You are ignited, Sag. What on earth do you want to do? Whatever you set your sights on will be greatly enhanced by your infusion of energy and consciousness. Get behind yourself and enjoy your creative force. Others may not be able to handle it, but don’t let that move you off your center. You need that level of energy to feel alive.

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Moti Melchizedek
Motavenda Melchizedek is a glass artist, writer and astrologer living in Silver City, NM. She is available for private astrological consultations. She specializes in the areas of personal empowerment, family-of-origin issues, personal dreams and destiny, and the human potential. Phone her at 505.534.1024 or e-mail She has just released her new book, The Edge of the World...The Metaphysics of Survival and the Evolution of Humanity. Visit her website for more information on all of her work. Copyright © 2007 Motavenda Melchizedek. All Rights Reserved.


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