Denise Linn has been called "America’s best-kept secret." For the last three and a half decades she has traveled to the far corners of the world speaking to standing-room only audiences of thousands. Her spiritual journey began as a teenager when she had a near-death experience after being shot by an unknown gunman. The revelations she received on the "other side" and the subsequent amazing healing of her wounds led Denise to eventually become an internationally respected healer, writer and teacher.
A world-acclaimed expert in feng shui and space clearing, Denise has distilled the information and wisdom into her teachings that she gained from indigenous cultures around the planet – the aborigines of Australia, the Zulu in Africa, the Maori of New Zealand (where she was given the title of tohunga), as well as from her own Native American roots.
Denise has taught seminars in 25 countries and has written 15 books, including the best-selling Sacred Space, and Soul Coaching, as well the award-winning Feng Shui for the Soul, and Four Acts of Personal Power. Her books have been translated into 26 languages, and she has been a featured guest on Oprah, Lifetime, Discovery Channel, BBC TV, NBC and CBS. She is also the founder of the International Institute of Soul Coaching. Graduates of her Soul Coaching and Past Life Coaching programs have thriving practices literally all over the world.
Denise and her artist husband, David, live at on the 40-acre Summerhill Ranch in the wine country of the Central Coast of California with their two dogs, Pepper and Sadie, cat Muse, and their eight chickens. She spoke to us from there about her Soul Coaching program.
Denise, thank you for carving some time out of your busy life to share your thoughts on coaching as a profession and the need for coaches in our lives! Tell us what led you to develop a program to train Soul Coaches?
Denise Linn: When teaching Feng Shui, it quickly became apparent that my clients knew what they needed….it was deep inside of them. As a Feng Shui teacher and consultant, I could implement the changes for them and it would be successful. But I knew that if they could uncover the answers to their questions for themselves, the results would be much more meaningful and have a deeper impact upon their lives. My desire was to build a program to teach others to align their inner spiritual lives with their outer lives. Out of this concept and desire grew Soul Coaching.
How is Soul Coaching different from Life Coaching?
DL: I hold the utmost respect for LIfe Coaching, as that type of coaching fills a very real need within our society. Life Coaches, in my opinion, motivate and inspire their clients, and often that is just what is needed. I also believe the everyday experience of spirit and connection to the inner states of intuition, mystery and wonder has been lost in the goal of more productivity. Hence Soul Coaching was truly born.
A Soul Coach is someone who truly listens to their clients, not just the words they say, but also to the gentle nuances, to hidden meanings behind the spoken word, and to the energy connected to what they say. Each person has the answers to their own dilemmas. Soul Coaches create and hold safe and sacred space within which their clients can have the opportunity to truly listen to the messages of their soul. Soul Coaches inspire their clients to reach their dreams, to find their true inner answers.
How would one know if they have "what it takes" to become a Soul Coach?
DL: The number one requirement is an Open Heart. The number two requirement is the willingness to accept their clients, as they are, with compassion. Soul Coaching is a simple path of the heart to the temple that dwells at its depth. I believe the Creator sends me the best people, the ones who are truly drawn to this work.
Who should seek the services of a Soul Coach? How do you know a Soul Coach will help you?
DL: At some time or another we can all use a Soul Coach. I can even use a Soul Coach. By working with a Soul Coach, we can become more profoundly focused upon our own path. Our cosmic shoelaces are all tied together. We are all wonderfully connected, and by working with a Soul Coach we can expound on that connection and grow. If someone feels that conventional answers are not "enough," then they probably are not. Soul Coaches will help you look deeper into yourself.
What is next for you? Any new programs on the horizon? An exciting vacation, maybe?
DL: I am currently working on a Health and Vitality Program based on the 28-Day Soul Coaching Program. So many people are unhappy with their current bodies, their energy levels, their physicality, it has reached epidemic proportions in this world we live in. This program will be able to help each of us tune into our bodies and what we can do to reawaken the sleeping vitality within. Hay House will be releasing my new book, Past Lives, Present Miracles: The Most Empowering Book on Reincarnation You’ll Ever Read…in this Lifetime! this spring. This book was written to help give the reader easy steps to tap into their past lives. Soul Coaches are also trained and certified as Past Life Coaches.
Yes, an exciting vacation is definitely in my plans. I am just not sure when or where.
For more information on Denise Linn, please visit Visit Denise at For information on finding a Soul Coach to work with, visit