Orb Events: 2008


"ORBS: Interacting with Other Realms" – The Prophets Conference Palm Springs, March 21-23, Palm Springs (Calif.) Convention Center, www.greatmystery.org/events/ps08.html

The faculty coming together to help explore a rich interdimensional tapestry will be two prominent scientists who specialize in cosmology and quantum physics, a physician, metaphysician and medical intuitive, a foremost Earth Mysteries researcher, a powerful theologian and former university president, a contactee and an intuitive visionary of the highest consciousness and energy, two renowned orb photographers, and three filmmakers. All are significant experiencers and are exciting presenters. From the perspectives of physics, medicine, geomancy, theology, filmmaking and contact, you will be provided with new insight into these emanations from Spirit beings and what they may portend.

"ORBS: Interacting with Other Realms" – The Prophets Conference Glastonbury & Sacred Sites Tour, July 7-13, Glastonbury, UK, www.greatmystery.org/events/glastonbury08.html

This Prophets Conference pilgrimage begins in Glastonbury and follows the sacred stone paths of Stonehenge and Avebury. The conference will steep itself in the Earth’s energy and connect with ancient ancestors to find keys that will lead us on our paths into the future. Round ancient stones and crop circles, healing wells and sacred abbeys, our pilgrimage will bring us back to Glastonbury to the Town Hall where we will delve into the deep emersion of ideas of our interdimensional nature, of orbs, angelic beings, and engaging with the Other. In this mystical landscape we will interact with our greater spiritual community. Joining us in Glastonbury will be two prominent scientists who specialize in cosmology and quantum physics, a metaphysician and holoism architect, a foremost Earth Mysteries researcher, a powerful theologian and former college president, a literary maverick and multi-dimensional explorer, a wisdom keeper of the light of the angels, Ascended Masters and Atlantis, and two renowned orb photographers and experiencers.

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at t.miejan.25@gmail.com.


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