Celebrating Life in the Shift


Oh my! We are already into our March 2008 issue and January 1 was yesterday. Please explain that to the world – and me.
Part of the answer is that time and space are accelerating and humans are changing. Many are passing over, and some are staying and shifting their perception of life and surroundings. One goal of the Edge Life Group is to present information and modalities to assist those who are ready to make "The Shift."

We have expanded our menu for 2008 to produce a larger magazine and additional expos and events. On March 8, we present our second annual Twin Cities Psychic Symposium at Earle Brown Center. On March 15-16, we debut the first Iowa Holistic Expo at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown. Our second annual Fargo Holistic Expo in Fargo, ND, will take place April 19-20 at the Fargo Civic Center. On October 10, one of the foremost television presenters, a very gifted medium and clairvoyant, Lisa Williams, will be visiting the Upper Midwest for the first time. This will be a very special and significant presentation. And don’t forget our flagship event, the annual Edge Life Expo in Minnesota on November 8-9 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Hopefully, you have noticed the change in the magazine design and in the contributing columnists and writers, giving you a different perspective on your life and your journey.

We have introduced new speakers for our expos and events. Dr. Norm Shealy will share the absolute cutting edge and controversial information on our health and health system (read the interview in our February 2008 issue of the Edge Life magazine). He will be speaking at our Iowa and Minnesota Expos this year. This is one individual you must meet and listen to. Others of note are: Sunny Dawn Johnston, who returns after a year hiatus to speak on how to connect with your angels; Carol Lowell, a healer and intuitive and Echo Bodine’s business partner, who will share her insights in this area; and Lisa Williams, an international medium and clairvoyant who will provide an introspective slant on who we are. Plus many of our old friends and masters are returning to share their insights: Echo Bodine, Lynn Young, Kathryn Harwig, Troy Parkinson, and Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa.

The shifting energies are being manifested daily, the most obvious being the Barack Obama Movement (and I do say movement – this is what it is all about, a movement for Change). Never in the history of this country have so many young people been so involved in making a choice for their future. We have the opportunity to take part in the change, if we focus and listen to our intuition and our hearts. I challenge one and all to change their perception. We at the Edge Life Group are here to help you in many ways, through our magazine, events and expos.

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