Last of a two-part series
We are in the midst of a grand awakening. A Shift is occurring. Together we are becoming a unified consciousness within a global community. The duality of black and white, East and West, right and wrong, us and them, good and bad, male and female is changing. The dividing lines are becoming less distinct. We are moving from the third dimensional duality of separation and extremes to a way of life that allows for many greater possibilities, connected community, expanding ease and well-being. We are in a Shift. We are remembering how to live in our fifth dimension consciousness while we walk in this third dimensional world.
Not long ago, Western medicine was the only option for most. Now complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, ayurvedic wholeness and chakra balancing are mainstream. Remember the time when the only people we communicated with lived in our town? Our social networks now include people across the globe. Micro-credit and fair trade practices have given us relationships with people in Columbia who grow our coffee and others who weave our jackets in Africa. There are many more avenues to effectively heal and reach physical, emotional mental and spiritual well-being. The wisdom of the East is being blended with the knowledge of the West. However, what was true yesterday is not necessarily true today. Our wisdom and knowledge are transitioning into a new wholeness.
There is a specific reason why you stand here right now. You are contributing to this expanding shift of consciousness. You have a purpose or task to accomplish that adds to All-That-Is. You are a significant player in this unfolding game, and now is the time to step up and be the leader, mentor and healer you came here to be. One of the first steps in fulfilling this purpose is to clear away the false beliefs that keep you from your task. Many of these beliefs came from truths that were given to you by well-intentioned grown-ups along the way. These truths never aligned with who you are. These misaligned truths and beliefs have kept us all stuck in the third dimensional game of limitation and mediocrity.
Freeing yourself of these limitations and returning passion to your task can be as simple as building your awareness. Ninety-six percent of making any change is simply to become aware of the situation you are in. In other words, have a present-time curiosity and awareness about your habits of action and thought without doing anything about them. Just notice them. The next 3 percent of making that change is to laugh at what you just discovered. No self-judgment, no doing, just amusement. The final 1 percent toward stepping on your path is to do something different…something very simple and easy. That simple 1 percent movement might be a smile, opening a door, complimenting a stranger, saying hello or otherwise contributing to the well-being of another. Allow the new possibility, the one that feels better, to become the next step on your path.
As you build greater awareness, laugh at yourself and make slight movements toward new habits, the inner dualities and extremes will fall away. From this new perspective you will begin to make new, clear, deliberate, intentional choices to anchor the greater, wiser, higher part of yourself into your daily life. Merging with the Soul, recognizing the answers to your questions and operating from a place of ease, certainty, confidence and grace will be yours.
A Shift is occurring – a grand movement toward a life of integrity, grace and well-being. The transition between where we are and where we are going will be bumpy and challenging, but very exciting. Whether we embrace the changes or resist them, we are moving forward to a way of being that is closer to who we truly are.