Celebrate Your Life…A Story of a Beginning


In 1995, two women unknowingly started a company that would eventually have international
recognition. My mother and I had no idea what the Universe had in store for us.
I was an actress living in L.A. and she was a therapist living in Scottsdale.
Through a series of synchronistic events, I ended up in Scottsdale and the two
of us "accidentally" began creating lectures and workshops for authors whose messages were all about creating a more joyful, peaceful and loving world.

Creating these events made our hearts sing. From that moment on it was a whirlwind, and in the next moment we had a company called "Mishka Productions." Neither my mother nor I ever had thoughts of starting a business, or even had any experience in the business world.

It seemed appropriate to call the company Mishka Productions, as we had just put down our family dog, Mishka. Naming the company after her is an amazing tribute to all the joy and playfulness Mishka brought into people’s lives. She was part wolf, all white, and looked and howled like a white wolf. She was and still is a brilliant light of energy and unconditional love.

Mishka Productions kept moving forward and working with authors such as Wayne Dyer, Dr. Brian Weiss, Gary Zukav, Dr. Doreen Virtue and many others. We were organizing events with these authors, announcing it to the public and letting the Universe do the rest. We were constantly amazed at how quickly these workshops would sell out. The excitement and joy from those who attended the events was enough energy to continue moving forward.

So here we are in 2008, where we now have a full staff of employees and my sister has joined the company, as well. This is truly a family business. Attendees have often told us that they feel like a part of our family and our events have a much warmer and welcoming feeling. Working with family is not without its challenges and obstacles, but with the guidance of the "mother" of our group, we seem to navigate through things with ease.

Several years ago, we came up with idea of bringing a group of authors together for one large event – or party, as we refer to it in the office. At that moment, our signature event was created, Celebrate Your Life. Celebrate Your Life is a full weekend event where we gather more than 20 of the greatest teachers and authors in the country to present workshops and keynote lectures. It is one of our favorite events, as it brings participants from all over the world to attend. We have attendees fly in from Japan, the UK, New Zealand and even Israel.

This year, we are presenting the Celebrate Your Life conference in Chicago on the weekend of May 30. Some of the speakers include Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Gary Zukav, James Van Praagh, Gregg Braden and Debbie Ford, and the list goes on! I think the joy of this conference is seeing so many of our favorite authors gathered together in one place at one time.

A conference attendee said it best when she wrote this to us: "I just attended the Celebrate Your Life conference and, Oh…My…God. Words cannot even describe the experience. The Celebrate Your Life conference is fantastic for your soul. My heart is filled with Love. I will never be the same. Thank you!" – Suzanne

We receive dozens of notes and e-mails with comments just like Suzanne’s. I am humbled by the gratitude and outpouring of love. In understanding how the magic of the Universe works, I feel that we were given this precious entity called "Mishka Productions" and it is our job to be the loving caretakers of her and to do so with great integrity. I believe we are fulfilling our mission: "changing the consciousness of the planet one event at a time."

And in honor of Mishka, that beautiful, fluffy beam of light, we are opening hearts and bringing joy and love into thousands of people’s lives. Thank you God! Please join our Mishka family and Celebrate your Life in Chicago with us!

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Liz Dawn
Liz Dawn is the co-creator of Mishka Productions and Celebrate Your Life events. She and her mother started creating spiritual events in 1995 to uplift the consciousness of the planet one event at a time. Liz is married to Dr. Jeff Donahue, a holistic practitioner, and they reside in Scottsdale, Ariz. For further information about Liz and Celebrate Your Life events, visit www.CelebrateYourLife.org.


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