Charting the Heavens in June

The Sun, traveling through Gemini this month, opens our minds up more fully to the realities of others…until it enters Cancer on 6/20, marking the Summer Solstice. Gemini energy expands us to build bridges to our fellow man. The new moon on 6/2, also in Gemini, awakens our innocence as we view others with an openness and an air of adaptability. It is not always easy to be vulnerable, yet it is in the openness that vulnerability brings, that we can be fully alive in union with others. The full moon in Capricorn on 6/18 finds us more willing to own our personal authority in the outer world. We can trust what we have come to know and learn through experience.

Mercury travels retrograde through Gemini, turning direct on 6/19. Remaining open to options is key. Mars in Leo calls us to take actions that support our self-exaltation. Mars opposes Jupiter in Capricorn on 6/14, then opposes Chiron in Aquarius on 6/15, and finally opposes Neptune in Aquarius on 6/21. We look for ways to move forward that are structurally sound, empowering of our authenticity and spiritually nourishing. Uranus turns retrograde in Pisces on 6/26 as we search within for spiritual truth and solace. Pluto, traveling retrograde, revisits Sagittarius on 6/13 as we ponder our most profound philosophical understandings.

Famous Geminis: John F. Kennedy, Isadora Duncan, Nicole Kidman

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)…Happy Birthday, Gemini! You start your new year off with contemplations on the richness of simplicity. There is much to honor in your space, and you turn toward what surrounds you with new eyes of appreciation. We can be so saturated with things in this culture that we miss the opportunity to honor the beauty of what is right here now. You take the time to do this now.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)…You let down your guard and move into a more neutral place now, Cancer. There are times when it seems essential to show our strength, and other times when we can just relax into the moment and experience the art of allowing. Now is a time of reception for you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)…One thing that is true about following our intuition is that we are sometimes led out into what seems like the middle of nowhere. These are the times when we must take a deep breath and move more completely into those places inside of us where we can find and further grow our internal sources of strength and self-nurturing.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…You have done much to ground yourself in this world, Virgo. Now, you move into a deeper place of surrender as you allow the details of your work to take shape and to manifest in the realms of the ordinary. It is important to realize that things unfold in the visible world in ways we might not easily recognize.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…One of the greatest gifts of life is love. And, one of the greatest gifts of love is how it awakens the courage in us to move more fully into life. You do this now, Libra. You take what you have been given and draw strength from the love you have know.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You go with the flow, Scorpio. There is nothing like times of challenge to create new capacities for appreciation. You have a great ability to take in the goodness and to witness the wonders in the ordinary and the richness that exists in the simple unfoldment of existence.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Nothing can stand in your way, Sag. You use that fiery force you extend toward others, to propel your own agenda forward now. It is not always easy to turn your focus toward your own life, but now it the time to do this. It is important for all of us to take our energy out of the collective pool from time to re-center, rebalance and realign.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Change is in the air, Capricorn. The more flexible you can be, the better. We can all see the world changing to become a healthier place. And change it must. The nature of clearing out what does not work, is that we must traverse the unknown and become more capable of trusting times of social transformation.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…You throw caution to the wind, Aquarius. You approach life with enthusiasm born of innocence. We cannot control and be open at the same time. You are willing now to work with the stability you do have, to open new doors of experience.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Your beauty is evident, Pisces. The bridge between the known and unknown is something you naturally embody and work with. When you ground yourself, it is a spiritual experience and other people benefit from seeing this. We are here to exist which is not always empowered by the cultural paradigm we inhabit. You help us all be more courageous.

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You find your footing, Aries. This is essential to your success in all areas of life. Balance and stability are the fundamentals for higher energetic work. You have a wealth of energy, and now that you feel a stronger foundation beneath you, you are freer to wield that energy with steadiness.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20)…You reach to the stars, Taurus. And why not? It is in this awareness of our place in the larger scheme of things, that we become more at peace and more able to accept ourselves and our lives as they are. When you reflect on your own spiritual origins, you find greater acceptance of your place in life here and now.

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Motavenda Melchizedek is a glass artist, writer and astrologer living in Silver City, NM. She is available for private astrological consultations. She specializes in the areas of personal empowerment, family-of-origin issues, personal dreams and destiny, and the human potential. Phone her at 505.534.1024 or e-mail She has just released her new book, The Edge of the World...The Metaphysics of Survival and the Evolution of Humanity. Visit her website for more information on all of her work. Copyright © 2007 Motavenda Melchizedek. All Rights Reserved.



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