Ask Your Animal


Marta Williams holds an undergraduate degree in natural resource conservation from the University of California at Berkeley and a master’s degree in biology from San Francisco State University. Before becoming an animal communicator, she worked for many years as a wildlife biologist and environmental scientist.

The author of Ask Your Animal (New World Library 2008) – and two other books, Beyond Words and Learning Their Language – Marta provides intuitive consultations for all types of animals, working with clients throughout the world by phone and email. She lives in Northern California and travels internationally to lecture and teach workshops in intuitive communication with animals and nature.

Is intuitive communication with animals real and how can you tell?
Marta Williams:
Yes it is real. I have a scientific background so I had to prove it to myself. The way I did that was to talk with an animal and then check with the animal’s person to see if the information I got was accurate. After doing a number of experiments I became convinced of the authenticity of this ability. An example: I got information intuitively from a horse that her best friend was a grey kitten who slept in the stall with her and that turned out to be true. This is an uncommon best friend for a horse!

How does it work?
We all have the ability to send and receive mental and emotional messages with each other and with animals. We used to do it as kids, but most of us have forgotten that. The physicists studying this phenomenon say that this ability is a function of the energetic connection we have to each other and to everything in the universe. Our intention to be able talk to an animal, be understood, and hear information back from that animal is the essential ingredient that makes intuitive communication possible. You can talk to your animals out loud, think thoughts to them, or mentally send them feelings and images and they will receive the information. To receive back you may get information in any of those forms as well. It is much easier for us to send than receive. But with practice everyone can do this.

Can animals really understand us?
I am sure they can understand us whether we talk out loud, think thoughts to them, or send them a feeling or a mental picture. That’s why I say you have no secrets from your animals. Look at how well animals can judge someone’s character and how an otherwise friendly animal might relate aggressively to a person who then turns out to be a bad apple. Animals just know if a person is goodhearted or not. They can read that intuitively. People who love animals like myself find that animals gravitate to them. I frequently find that animals who are shy or scared of people will come up to me and make friends right away. That’s because they can see what a pushover I am!

Are animals as intelligent as we are? Do they have feelings like we do?
I believe that animals have intelligence and have emotions equivalent to humans. Look at all the incredible stories of dogs finding their way home across the country or dogs saving their owners from dire straights. Most animal people know that animals are highly intelligent and that they have the same emotions we do. Two good books on this subject are When Elephants Weep and The Emotional Lives of Animals.

There is a funny quote from Douglas Adams’ book Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy about that. It goes, "Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much – the wheel, New York, wars and so on – whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man – for precisely the same reasons."

For more information on Marta Williams, visit her website at Her website is

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Marta Williams
Marta Williams, author of the new book Ask Your Animal (New World Library, 2008), has a master's degree in biology and worked for many years as a wildlife biologist and environmental scientist. The author of two other books, Beyond Words and Learning Their Language, Marta provides intuitive consultations for all types of animals, working with clients throughout the world by phone and email. She lives in Northern California and travels internationally to teach. Her website is Visit New World Library at or 800.972.6657, ext. 52. Copyright © 2008 Marta Williams. Reprinted with permission of New World Library.


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