What “The Secret” Doesn’t Reveal


An excerpt from the new book, Teaching the Attraction Principle to Children

Millions of people are currently using the powerful message in The Secret for the wrong reason. They are using the law of attraction to produce the ideal mate, create a meaningful job, build wealth and attract health for themselves. However, the future of our world rests not on who can create the most wealth, but on how our children embrace the responsibility of creating a better world. It is important for children to understand and appreciate how their thoughts manifest external results and how emotions can be used to guide their thought processes.

What The Secret doesn’t reveal is how to teach this powerful message to children. Teaching the law of attraction is a vital addition to the life skills every child needs in order to grow and evolve into who and what they want to be.

To that end we offer the following guidelines to consider when teaching the law of attraction to the important children in your life:

1. Begin with yourself. Let your children observe you using the law of attraction in your own life, setting goals, discussing your feelings, creating a vision board, outlining action steps, making adjustments as mistakes occur, and allowing what you desire to come to you.

2. Start early. Don’t wait until your child can understand an abstract concept like the law of attraction before you begin helping him see its effects. Start now by talking about how we create our own reality with our thoughts and feelings. Yes, you will have to re-teach this lesson through all the ages and stages of childhood.

3. Look for the teachable moments. Use what the universe brings you to teach important lessons. If your child says, "Third grade is going to be hard," use that comment to teach him about the importance of thoughts. If you see a sign vibrating in the wind, point it out and talk about how all things are vibrating, even thoughts. The law of attraction can be taught in small increments as opportunities arise.

4. Help children clarify their wants. Many children find it easy to identify and state what they don’t want. "I don’t want come home so early." "I don’t want to eat my vegetables." What our children don’t understand is that they get what they predominately think about, whether it is what they want or what they don’t want. Help your children turn their focus from what they don’t want into what they do want by stating it in the positive present tense. "I don’t want to come home so early," can be restated as "I want to stay out a half-hour later tonight." "I don’t want to eat my vegetables," is rephrased as "I would rather eat an orange instead of vegetables for supper."

5. Help children understand their feelings. Feelings and emotions are the guidance system that lets us know if our thoughts are vibrating with what is best for us. Negative feelings are an indication that we are on a path of attracting more of what we don’t want. Teach children to identify feelings and how to use them as a guide. Remember, when we are feeling happy, tranquil, peaceful and safe, we are connecting with the vibrational essence that manifests a better world.

6. Celebrate successes. Look for evidence of the law of attraction at work, point it out to your children and celebrate it with them. When your child manifests an object of his desire, go to his vision board, look at the picture of it there and celebrate together. When you get the new job, take the family out to dinner and debrief your success. Notice the little moments when the universe is bringing to your child what she wants, even when it is minute. When you see a penny on the ground, pick it up. Thank the universe for bringing you money easily and effortlessly.

7. Teach the proper order in using the Law of Attraction. Being comes before doing. Then comes having. It is important to help children understand that the attitudes and beliefs they hold in the present moment (how they are being) affect how they do whatever it is they are doing. We often rush into doing before first centering ourselves and getting our attitudes and emotions in line. All the doing in the world will not compensate for thoughts, emotions and beliefs that are not in line with our doing. Teach and model this sequence: First be, then do, then have.

There is no big secret to helping children understand the law of attraction. You teach it like you would teach anything else. Commit yourself to it, invest time in doing it, practice, debrief, and do it all over again.

Once children understand the relationship between their thoughts and emotions and what the universe manifests, they will experience the power that comes from providing direction to their own lives. At that point the world opens and there is nothing that is unavailable to them.

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Thomas Haller and Chick Moorman
Thomas Haller and Chick Moorman are the authors of Teaching the Attraction Principle to Children: Practical Strategies for Parents and Teachers to Help Children Manifest a Better World (Personal Power Press). They are two of the world's foremost authorities on raising responsible, caring, confident children. They publish a free monthly e-zine for parents. To sign up for it or to obtain more information about how they can help you or your group meet your parenting needs, visit their website today at www.personalpowerpress.com. Copyright


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