Lake Harriet Spiritual Community Seeks New Possibilities


– For the past 20 years Lake Harriet Spiritual Community has been a center
for diverse spiritual beliefs. A great many of the psychics, healers and spiritual
teachers in the Twin Cities have passed through its doors. As a independent
organization, it has always struggled with finances, and now with the sluggish
economy it is looking at the very real possibility of closing its doors before
the end of the year. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community has been in this place
before and miracles have always come through to save it. That may well happen

Rather than waiting for miracles, members are working to create their own.
Lake Harriet Spiritual Community is looking for other spiritual organizations
or non-profits to share the space and expenses. They also are open to new
rental or lease options. Prayers are also welcomed. Contact

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at


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