Invoking the Archangels


Connecting with the Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel is a wonderful opportunity to gain healing, awareness and protection for yourself and the people around you! This is an exercise I use as part of my daily meditative practice. Invoking the Archangels also offers an intention of love and healing for all of humanity.

We begin by invoking Michael, the archangel of the south. He stands to your right. You call him in by saying (in your mind or out loud): "I now invoke the mighty and powerful blue light of Archangel Michael to surround me and protect me. I ask for strength, courage, direction, and protection from any negativity, seen or unseen. Please use your electric blue sword to release any doubts, fear or worries. Thank you and so it is." Now, listen quietly within to receive any special message Michael has for you!

We will now invoke Uriel to stand to your left side. "I now invoke the mighty and powerful Archangel Uriel to stand on my left-hand side. Please release all my anger, worries, and fears. Please surround me with your wisdom, peace and joy. Please help me serve others with an open heart so that I may learn to receive and give with generosity, appreciation and kindness. Thank you and so it is." Now, feeling Uriel’s presence, become aware of any guidance or wisdom that he may have for you!

Feeling ready to invoke Archangel Raphael, begin by imagining a beautiful emerald green energy completely enveloping you! This is the light of Archangel Raphael and his healing vibration. "I now invoke the mighty and powerful Archangel Raphael to stand before me. Please surround me and fill me with health, well-being and wholeness. Help me to heal any wounds, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually from the past. Please heal and restore every aspect of my being. Thank you and so it is." Feel the healing energy flowing through you as you feel a personal message from Raphael in your physical body!

Visualize the white light of Gabriel coming down from the heavens and entering your body through your crown. Feel Gabriel’s energy of communication and clarity. "I now invoke the mighty and powerful Archangel Gabriel to stand behind me. Please bring me insights and awareness so that I may always speak truth. Remove all my doubts and fears, and allow me to express myself in a loving way through mind, body and spirit. Thank you and so it is." Take a moment to relax, listen and open your heart to a message that Gabriel is sending you.

Now that you have invoked the Archangels, allow yourself to bathe in their unconditional love, divine perfection and peace. As human beings, we often tend to visualize the archangels as beautiful winged beings. It makes no difference how you perceive the archangels. They will come to you in the way you believe them to be. So your experience of them is perfect for you! All you have to do is remember to take a few moments, and invite them into your life. You will experience miracles when you do this. I have!

"CONNECTING WITH YOUR ANGELS" with SUNNY DAWN JOHNSTON – 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9, tickets $26 now, $29 at door. • Post-Show Event: "AN IN-DEPTH JOURNEY TO COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR ANGELS – 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10, Marquette LaSalle Room, Minneapolis Hilton, tickets $44 now, $49 at door – As a loving and caring Spiritual Teacher, Sunny Dawn Johnston has helped thousands of people across the country find their inner truth. As a national speaker, Sunny’s dynamic methods effectively reach out to help people to help themselves by discovering that the answers are always within. She is a Certified Spiritual Counselor, Certified Medium, Reiki Master/Teacher, Ordained Minister, Hypnotherapist and has created five Guided Meditation CDs. In December 2003, Sunny founded Sunlight Alliance, a spiritual teaching and healing center in Glendale, Ariz. Sunny also volunteers her time as a psychic investigator for the international organization FIND ME. This is a not-for-profit organization of Psychic, Investigative and Canine Search & Rescue (SAR) volunteers working together to provide leads to Law Enforcement and Families of missing persons and homicide. Visit

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Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Author living in Glendale, AZ. She offers classes all over the country and online teaching about Developing your Intuition, Mediumship and Communicating with your Angels. In December 2003, Sunny created Sunlight Alliance Healing Center. Sunny inspires people to follow their inner guidance by teaching them to listen to the answers within. She also volunteers her time as a psychic investigator for the International group Find Me. For more information, visit or call 602.375.6788.


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