The Light Collective


I chuckle, sometimes, when I think that I channel. Until the day the Light Collective introduced themselves to me, I was one of those people who did not believe channeling was real. I thought channels were tuning into a form of intuition, but I didn’t really believe that a separate entity (or entities) was speaking through them.

Then, one day about 10 years ago, I was in deep meditation with a friend. Suddenly I started to talk. My friend carried on a conversation with what I now know was the Light Collective. When I "woke up," my friend told me all about the experience. The most disturbing part of all (for me) was I didn’t remember any of it.

As my friend told me of the conversation, I was appalled. I did not want to channel. Hey, I didn’t even believe in the phenomenon. Still, there it was. Someone or something had used my voice to speak to my friend.

I struggled with this for a few years, channeling privately for friends who I did not think would make fun of it. It took me a long time to come to peace with this new way of getting information. It took me even longer to trust the information I was channeling.

About three years ago I decided that the Light Collective’s information was too valuable to hide any longer. I think I am a brave person. I decided I would just have to live with the self-doubt and the concern for my reputation. I started a forum where the Light Collective could speak to and answer questions for those who came.

Over the last three or so years, the forum has grown. More than a hundred people now gather each month on a Friday evening to talk to the Light Collective and to join in community.

Through this experience I have watched how people respond. I have heard hundreds of stories of how the Light Collective knew things about people who I had never even met.

And gradually, I started to believe myself.

We are living in uncertain and tumultuous times. The Light Collective wishes to give advice and counsel regarding what we can expect and how we can thrive joyfully in the next few years.

Since that day when I first met the Light Collective, my life has changed. I invite you all to join me on Saturday, Nov. 8. Yes, you really can get up that early – It will be worth it.

"2009: THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW A LIGHT COLLECTIVE SPEAKS SPECIAL EVENT with KATHRYN HARWIG – 9:00-10:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, tickets $15 now, $17 at door – Kathryn Harwig is a master intuitive who is well known in the Twin Cities, as well as nationally and internationally. She is the author of five books, has a monthly radio show on WCCO and writes a regular column for the Edge Life magazine. She offers a monthly forum where people can ask the Light Collective for advice. She also teaches intuitive mastery classes and runs workshops and retreats throughout the United States. Kathryn is a professional wanderer who travels the world, often leading groups on Spiritual adventures. For more information, go to

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Kathryn Harwig
Kathryn Harwig is an internationally known author and speaker who has written five books. She appears regularly on television and radio and hosts a monthly intuitive forum in the Minneapolis area. She is a former attorney who now dedicates her life to spreading messages of joy and hope. Contact Kathryn at


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