2008 Lotus Workshop & Conference: Reuniting Spirituality & Sexuality
Nine experts in relationship, sexuality and sacred sexuality will reveal tips,
practices and secrets of intimate relating from ancient cultures and modern
science during the first Lotus Conference in Minnesota at the Marriott Southwest
on Lake Minnetonka. Speakers will include Deborah Sundahl, Mary Zalmanek, Chip
August, Francesca Gentille, Ina Mlekush, Harold Taitt, Ann Maxwell and Deborah.
The journey begins with a beautiful ceremony, keynote speakers, overview of
the weekend and gentle mixers. Saturday is smorgasbord of 90-minute workshops,
with an evening of dinner, mingling with the experts and exhibitors. Sunday
is a day of intensive training and deepenings.
2008 ECK Worldwide Seminar
Are you looking for direct spiritual experience? Spiritual help and healing?
Expanded consciousness and inner knowing? Insights into past lives, dreams,
and Soul Travel? Attend spiritual exploration workshops and discussions, from-the-heart
speakers and Soul-awakening creative arts. Friday, Oct. 24: Workshops and discussions
such as the "Spiritual Wisdom Fair" (Spiritual wisdom on relationships,
conquering fear, and more), "Getting Answers from God through Past Lives," "Master
Your Spiritual Destiny with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK," and "Welcome
to Eckankar and This Seminar!" Saturday, Oct. 25: Two free workshops (Hilton
Minneapolis, 1001 Marquette Ave. S.):
• "Have You Had a Spiritual Experience?" – Have you had a spiritual
wake-up call in a dream, during prayer or meditation, or in daily life? Share,
discuss, and learn what your experiences mean, and take new steps on your journey
to enlightenment. 10 a.m.-noon (Salon G, Third Floor)
• "Keys to Secret Worlds" – You hold the keys to the vast worlds
of God within you. Come explore! 2-4 p.m. (Salon G, Third Floor) Saturday Evening
Saturday evening program, free to all: 7-9 p.m. (Minneapolis Convention Center,
1301 Second Avenue South, Hall B, Level One). Complimentary registration to
see Eckankar’s spiritual leader, Harold Klemp, award-winning author of more
than 60 books on spirituality. Saturday events are complimentary for guest
attendees. Register at the Eckankar Guest Welcome Center. Hours: Friday and
Saturday 8 a.m.-7:45 p.m. (Convention Center); Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Hilton).
More information at ECKseminars.org or 1.888.568.3463, ext. N28.
Spirituality and Work conference
This 12th annual spirituality conference will explore a variety of dimensions
on "Spirituality and Work": How does my work touch my soul? How does
my soul touch my work? And, indeed, what is the real work of my life? How is
my work a transformative influence in society? What is the work of a student?
What is the significance of professional work? What is the work of a retired
person? Aside from a paid job, what other "work" do I do that both
expresses and refreshes my soul? This is an opportunity to reflect on the sacredness
of work in its many expressions. Participants will explore connections between
the co-creative work of our souls and the work of all Creation. For more information,
call Mary Josephine Torborg, O.S.B. at 218.723.6659 or e-mail mtorborg@css.edu,
or the Office of Conferences and Events at 218.723.7000 or e-mail smaki@css.edu.
Register online at: www2.css.edu/epayment/spirituality/index.cfm
Whispers of Spirit Expo
The fourth annual Whispers of Spirit Expo, featuring metaphysical, wellness
and intuitive exhibitors, will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct.
26, at Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, Minn. Admission is $4
per person or two for $7. The event will include Qigong practitioners, intuitive
readers and energy healers, Feng Shui consultants, metaphysical gifts, wellness
products and much more. Speakers will present on the hour, including: Sol’Ara
An on "Channeling Divine Mother: A Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment";
Alison James presenting her Gallery Event for messages from the other side;
Brenda Hill will channel Nademus on "Love: The Great Balancer"; Rev.
Lisa Severson on self-healing techniques; and Michele Mayama and Chris LaFontaine
present "The Real Secret: Physical Manifestation and the Earth Connection
– Engaging the Heart, Honoring the Mystery." For a complete list of speakers
and exhibitors, or for more information, visit www.whispersofspirit.com or
contact Joan Turck at 320.220.7418 or Jennifer Salness at 651.330.9031.
Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything Event
www.continuumcenter.net or www.sixtysecondsbook.com
Minneapolis freelance writer and Continuum Center member Phil Bolsta, who created
the book Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything, will facilitate an evening
of life-shifting storytelling with guest contributors who appear in his collection
of 45 inspiring, life-changing stories. He will be joined: by Dr. Janis Amatuzio,
author and Chief Medical Examiner of Anoka County; Mike Veeck, co-owner of
the St. Paul Saints; Tom Gegax, founder of Tires Plus, Trent Tucker and Jim
Petersen, former NBA players; and Echo Bodine and Kathryn Harwig, psychics
and authors. A pre-event "Meet the Speakers" will be from 5:30-6:45
p.m. for Sustaining Members of the Continuum Center ($100 level). Social Hour
and Booksigning will follow from 9-10 p.m. The cost of the main presentation
is $25 ($20 for Continuum members). For registration, call 612.374.4948 or
visit www.continuumcenter.net and click on Calendar Coming Events.
Happiness 101: Creating Authentic Happiness from the Inside-Out
What is happiness? Why is it so elusive? And how do we go about creating it
authentically, versus chasing a fleeting imitation of it? The Experience Happiness
team – Linda Saggau who channels the profound insights of "Michael," a
loving collective higher consciousness, and Nancy O’Brien, who co-authored
The Toolkit for Happiness – will present a life-transforming Happiness 101
workshop with "Michael" from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8, at
The Marsh, 15000 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka. Whether you’re an experienced
spiritual seeker, or simply facing challenges overcoming sadness, anxiety and
other life barriers, this workshop will help you create authentic, lasting
happiness that heals you and the world. Admission is $75 or two for $112.50.
For reservations, contact Michelle Webster at michelle@experiencehappiness.net
or 402.314.5189.
"Jesus and the Awakening to God-Consciousness" Unity webcast with
Deepak Chopra
Best-selling author and spiritual leader Deepak Chopra will team up with leading
Unity minister Wendy Craig-Purcell for a bold six-part Web series on "Jesus
and the Awakening to God-Consciousness," based on Chopra’s recent book
The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore. The series is set to begin at
5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15, at www.unity.fm, according to Paula Coppel, vice
president of Communications at Unity School of Christianity in Unity Village,
Mo. Each weekly half-hour segment will be available free. All segments will
be available after their initial airing until November 26. A study guide will
be available for groups and individuals. Chopra sees Jesus’ teachings as universal,
even though a particular religion – Christianity – was created around him. "There
is not one Jesus," Chopra explains in his book, "but three. First
there is the historical Jesus, the man who lived more than two thousand years
ago and whose teachings are the foundation of Christian theology and thought.
Next there is Jesus, the Son of God, who has come to embody an institutional
religion with specific dogma, a priesthood, and devout believers. And finally,
there is the third Jesus, the cosmic Christ, the spiritual guide whose teaching
embraces all humanity, not just the church built in his name. He speaks to
the individual who wants to find God as a personal experience, to attain what
some might call grace, or God-consciousness, or enlightenment."
Apollo’s Luminaries has launched a new book study group in the Twin Cities
to deeply explore Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s
Purpose. The group, which began in September, is open to new participants.
Call 952.945.9882 to reserve your participation. Building on the astonishing
success of The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle presents readers with an honest
look at the current state of humanity: He implores us to see and accept that
this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic
mind, is one of dangerous insanity. Tolle tells us there is good news, however.
There is an alternative to this potentially dire situation that involves
a radical inner leap from the current egoic consciousness to an entirely
new one. In illuminating the nature of this shift in consciousness, Tolle
describes in detail how our current ego-based state of consciousness operates.
Then gently, and in very practical terms, he leads us into this new consciousness.
We will come to experience who we truly are-which is something infinitely
greater than anything we currently think we are – and learn to live and
breathe freely.
Karen Casey and Codependence and the Power of Detachment
Karen Casey will discuss her new book, Codependence and the Power of Detachment,
at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26 at Magers & Quinn Booksellers, 3038 Hennepin
Ave. S., Minneapolis. The author will take participants through the steps of
detachment: admitting our attachment, surrendering outcome, forgiving, focusing
our attention on what works. When we give up judging others, we become accountable
for our own behavior and let others – spouses, family, co-workers – be accountable
for themselves. The power of detachment is a power anyone can claim. It’s the
power of sanity, of peace, of finding our own inner strength. Casey will share
insights and tools she’s discovered in her own decades of sobriety and in talking
with dozens of other codependents. For more information, call 612.822.4611.