Charting the Heavens in November

The Sun, traveling through Scorpio this month, invites us to embrace personal and collective transformations more fully…until it enters Sagittarius on 11/21, launching us forward with new visions in hand for the future. Scorpio energy pulls us down deep into ourselves. This is the place where we grow capable of existing profoundly in this world. With the full moon on 11/12 in Taurus, we feel gratitude for the physical pleasures of life and we turn our attention toward appreciation. The new moon on 11/27 in Sagittarius ignites in us a sense of new possibilities.

Neptune (retrograde since May 26) turns direct in Aquarius on 11/1. What we have learned during these days of spiritual introspection will begin to unfold into our lives. Saturn in Virgo opposes Uranus in Pisces on 11/4. We must use our powers of discernment to bring about structural changes that allow for the type of existence we value. Mercury enters Scorpio on 11/4, compelling us to just tell the truth. Venus in Sagittarius joins Pluto in Sag on 11/11, aligning our values with those things that are truly empowering. Venus enters Capricorn on 11/12 as we mature to realize that we do have a say in the matter. Mars enters Sag on 11/16 as new doors fly open to offer us greater opportunities. Pluto enters Capricorn on 11/26. This marks the beginning of great movements toward collective structural transformation. Uranus turns direct on 11/27 (retrograde since June 26) in Pisces as we find the road ahead clear and opened up for us to travel down.

Famous Scorpios: Pablo Picasso, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…Happy birthday, Scorpio! As we collectively enter more deeply into large-scale transformation, you are inclined to draw inward and hold up clearly defined boundaries. Self-containment is key to your personal health and balance. You dwell deeply and protecting yourself in that state of being shows others how to become capable of doing the same.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…The sweetness of loving experiences is what you long for and seek out now, Sag. You don’t ask for much, just to revel in the beauty of transcendence that accompanies kindness and genuine acceptance within reciprocal exchanges with those who you trust and care for on deep and real levels. Find those people and be with them.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…The mundane level of life calls to you for attention now, Capricorn. What matters to you? You see that there is a higher reality, and now you turn with that wisdom toward your own personal world to enhance and bring about balance and strength in the ordinary.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Destructive thoughtforms are not to be underestimated, Aquarius. You observe the impact that others can have on you. It is important to recognize the effects of taking in the views and energies of those who carry energies that are incompatible with what you hold sacred. You have the right to distance yourself.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Newfound balance in the material world is always a wonderful thing to discover yourself in the midst of Pisces. You have found ways to be both honoring of the sacred and nurturing to the physical side of self. There is sustenance here and you deserve to be nourished. Work with what you have grounded here to let yourself soar.

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Alchemy sits at the heart of the matter, Aries. You have access to your own resourcefulness and you allow yourself to come into a place of great focus. Your dreams are worthy and they guide you forward. Follow your dreams wherever they may lead you.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20)…There are things to be done and things to be undone, Taurus. You follow the course ahead with courage and flexibility. There is calm about you in the midst of great change. The peace you feel is in surrendering. When you let yourself trust what is unfolding, you are able to focus in the here and now and find great pleasure there.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)…Striving for a certain type of success can seem suddenly meaningless and not at all worth the effort, Gemini. It is nice to remember that we all have free will, and with that, we are afforded the opportunity to change our minds. You know the power of choice, and you give yourself the permission you would naturally give to others to do what feels right.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)…You reassess what you consider success to be and what failure means to you, Cancer. It is up to you to define the parameters of your own value system and to wrap yourself around what matters to you. This is a time of awakening for all of us. As we arrive into places with new possibilities, it is our personal sense of values that will guide us.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)…Harmonic change is a wonderful thing, Leo. You are able to embrace what is unfolding because you are open to change and have a trust in the larger scheme of things. There is an ease about you as you allow life to take you where you need to go. The journey fuels you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Clearing the mental plane brings with it great new levels of liberation to you, Virgo. Your mind is a powerful thing, rich and complex. You embrace the chance to start with a clear slate and, in doing so, you open the way to set forth upon new and brilliant paths and to undertake new projects.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Moving away from saturation and into a more zen way of life is what draws you now, Libra. Too much of even a good thing can become uncomfortable. You slow things down and become more discerning about what to let in and what you choose to participate in. It is wonderful to have choices; now you learn to balance yourself and your life in ways that work in the midst of abundance.

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Motavenda Melchizedek is a glass artist, writer and astrologer living in Silver City, NM. She is available for private astrological consultations. She specializes in the areas of personal empowerment, family-of-origin issues, personal dreams and destiny, and the human potential. Phone her at 505.534.1024 or e-mail She has just released her new book, The Edge of the World...The Metaphysics of Survival and the Evolution of Humanity. Visit her website for more information on all of her work. Copyright © 2007 Motavenda Melchizedek. All Rights Reserved.



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