Experiencing The Light Collective


Last November, I was fortunate to attend a Public Forum held by Kathryn Harwig. Kathryn’s gift of channeling her spirit guides, known as The Light Collective, amazed and empowered me.

The Light Collective began the evening with the important wisdom that fear is the number one thing that blocks each of us from reaching our true potential. Reflecting back on how this amazing event ended, I feel like that message was definitely something I needed to hear.

To begin, I wasn’t sure that I would be able to attend the forum because, as the wife of a passionate deer hunter and the mother of three young children, I did not have childcare arranged for that eve of Minnesota’s deer hunting opener. I knew I wanted to attend the event but, because of my fear of the unknown, I had procrastinated in finding someone to care for our little ones. At the very last minute, a young girl who occasionally babysits for us agreed to come over.

I attended the forum alone, which I believe helped me in the end. You see, once I began to experience Kathryn’s channeled guides, I knew I had to ask a question and may not have had the courage to ask with a friend next to me.

As the end of the forum approached, I knew I needed to ask why I was feeling blocked from meeting my guides. Valerie Lis, of Courses for Life, asked the Light Collective from which part of the room should the last question come from. These amazing spiritual beings told the audience that they were feeling a lot of energy coming from my section of the room. I felt as if they meant me! My heart began to pound in my chest with nervous energy, and Valerie asked who in my section of the room had a question that needed to be answered. I raised my hand and the Light Collective agreed to answer my question, the last one of the night! I asked for some direction as I felt blocked from meeting my own guides.

The Light Collective enlightened me with their answer, sharing first that they sensed a lot of fear coming from me, which I was definitely feeling! They then explained that guides have a hard time getting through all that fear. They also informed me that I had been imprisoned in many of my past lives. Because of this, I had experienced a great deal of fear in those lives, but they wanted to remind me that I am not imprisoned in this life. They continued saying that I have not fully blossomed in this lifetime yet, and once I do, I will not feel that fear and imprisonment. They ended by telling me, "You are very strong and very brave." I had tears welling up in my eyes as I gratefully thanked them and handed the microphone back to Valerie.

I have been replaying this amazing, life-empowering event in my mind ever since it happened. I had never really admitted my fears or even recognized the feelings of imprisonment in my life prior to this experience, but I can now see how these disempowering emotions have played their part throughout my life. These feelings have really paralyzed me from becoming the "true me" and reaching my potential. Coincidentally, a past-life regression I experienced only a week before had revealed my inner need to play and feel freedom in order to find happiness. I was a young girl swinging on a swing in my yard, feeling so free, content and completely fearless.

I can definitely say that since this event, I have experienced the true feelings of freedom, inner strength and self-confidence I was lacking before. This has helped me to make great strides in pursuing my life’s dream of helping others achieve their goals in life.

I am immensely grateful to Kathryn and The Light Collective for empowering me to be the strong, brave spirit that I am. They reminded me that I am not imprisoned in this lifetime and have helped me move toward eliminating fear and reaching my true potential! I highly recommend that everyone experience these amazing Public Forums!

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Amy Vinar
Amy Vinar, B.S., CHt, has spent more than 20 years reading and studying hypnosis, metaphysics and other spiritual topics. She is a graduate of Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, and she obtained her hypnotherapy certification from the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. Amy is also an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. She lives in the Minneapolis area with her husband and three children. Please visit www.answerswithinus.com for more information on the life scripting process.


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