Learning to Trust: Tails from a Pet Psychic


When a beagle spoke to me in a shelter seven years ago, I thought I was nuts. Hearing voices in my head, seeing things that most others don’t see – and having premonitions that manifest into reality – isn’t the best recipe in our society for being labeled as normal.

So, as most people would do, I freaked out, questioned myself and put my psychic abilities to sleep. That lasted about a year – until I heard my own dog, Java, speak to me. It was clear as a bell, so I knew I needed to do something about it or I would lose my innate ability forever.

Trust created transformation – really trusting what I was receiving and having the confidence to share it with others. Sounds easy, but it wasn’t. The easy part was to believe that being psychic was possible and having a desire for more. For years, my sister and I have been able to read each other’s minds. It happened frequently with other people I was close to as well, but now the animals wanted to share.

What has transpired over the years is my ability to trust myself and trust in Spirit for what I’m receiving. Whether I’m talking with animals, plants or people – living or deceased – there’s a level of confidence that has blossomed.

I’m a believer that we all have the innate ability to connect with plants, animals and people on many different levels. By living a healthy life of a good diet and exercise, learning to quiet our minds, having a spiritual practice in place and being open to possibility, great things can happen.

In my 41 years in Earth School, I’ve learned that being normal means living to my highest potential – using the gifts I’ve been given and sharing them with the world.

What gifts will you unwrap today?

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Sage Lewis
Sage Lewis is the Creature Teacher with Dancing Porcupine and is a Certified Life Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Animal Communicator, Intuitive/Medium, Wedding and Funeral Officiant, Animal Hospice Consultant and Level 3 Certified Tellington TTouch® Practitioner. Sage's passion is guiding all creatures to find and embrace their true essence, to live a fulfilling life of love, joy and passion, and to move through all of life's transitions with peace and grace.


  1. “In my 41 years in Earth School, I’ve learned that being normal means living to my highest potential – using the gifts I’ve been given and sharing them with the world.”

    great words…


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