A very young me startled my relatives by telling them what they were about to say. The looks on their faces revealed disbelief and shock before they politely laughed. Their response then and at other times let me know that adults were uncomfortable with a child telling the future. In my day, children were to be seen (as little as possible) and definitely not heard! Eventually I learned that lesson well.
It was hard to ignore the psychic messages. Learning history was often a rediscovery of things I knew – not about everything, but about certain times and places. I had no idea where the knowledge came from, but I sometimes annoyed teachers and fellow students with my "know it all" confidence about things I couldn’t have known. Eventually I stopped. Once a person closes themselves off and rejects psychic information, it becomes very difficult to rediscover those connections.
Everyone is born with some psychic gifts. Female (and also male) intuition are real. The feelings of foreboding we get about certain people or situations is real. As we mature, many are taught to ignore their psychic gifts like I was. However, I never forgot that once I had this gift. As an adult I sought more information, so I read extensively: Roberts, Browne, Cayce, Bodine, Chopra, Redfield and many more authors.
As I read I developed my own understanding of God, The Universe and Everything. I formed a "unified theory" that was reinforced through studies of religions, metaphysics and science. Through my studies, I arrived at conclusions that were reinforced by the claircognizance that made me the "know it all" when I was young. I started reclaiming my psychic gifts.
When the time was right, synchronicity led me to take hands-on healing classes. After many lessons in a number of modalities, my head learned to allow my intuition to direct my healing work. My hands tingled when I was near someone I could help. The more I practiced, the better the resulting healing. Eventually I picked up on things related to the person I was working on. Unfortunately that led to becoming a psychic sponge, picking up on everyone’s troubles. I became more moody, short tempered and intolerant.
The person that I had become was a beast. Members of my healing group suggested meditation. After meditating regularly for a month, even my students saw the difference in me. I was noticeably more calm and easy going. I still find meditation to be a valuable tool in staying balanced and giving me stronger psychic connections to my guides and angels.
The next step in my journey was to take classes directly from a master psychic, Echo Bodine. In her classes I learned how to prevent psychic headaches, to remove the energetic residue that I picked up from others and a number of methods to receive psychic information. These classes taught me how to get and give information. When the classes ended, I needed more practice and got it through advanced classes and the Practice Circle at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community. I’ve found that this practice time has been extremely valuable in learning how to hear, see and feel messages from my guides and angels.
Eventually, five of us from Echo Bodine’s classes and the Practice Circle formed a company, The Circle MPLS, LLC, and started doing readings professionally. While I still consider my primary calling healing, I also give psychic readings through The Circle. Our monthly galleries and our Conversation nights at Echo Bodine’s Center provide further proof to me of the importance of using psychic gifts for the benefit of others.
You can develop your innate psychic gifts. Meditation helps some. Others never shut it down in childhood and have always enjoyed the ability to hear and see messages from the other side. Most of us benefit from classes that teach us how to use our gifts wisely, how to protect ourselves from dark energy, and how to open and close our third eyes – skills that are learned from an experienced mentor or teacher.