The Edge Newspaper / Edge Life Magazine: A Timeline



The Edge Newspaper debuts in the Upper Midwest as a bimonthly in August/September 1992. For astrologers, its actual creation was two months earlier, on June 9, 1992 at 3:40 p.m. CST in St. Paul, Minn. The Edge’s parent company, Leap Publications, was created earlier that day, at 11:15 a.m. The newspaper is co-founded by Gary Beckman and Lyn LaFroth, currently co-publisher of Essential Wellness newspaper.


The Edge becomes a monthly newspaper. The first monthly edition debuts in February.


Tim Janulewicz, a veteran daily newspaper reporter and editor from just north of Kansas City in St. Joseph, visits Minnesota for the first time. He happens to pick up The Edge Newspaper at the Mississippi Market Co-op on Randolph Street in St. Paul. Upon returning home from that weekend visit up north, he writes The Edge to see if they have any job openings. Editor Lynn LaFroth writes back, encouraging him to contact Gary Beckman. In October, Tim drives through a blizzard from Missouri to Minnesota to meet with Gary Beckman for a job interview, and to deliver a ring and propose to the former Rachel Mielke of Woodbury. They marry in late December and combine their names to create Miejan.


In January, editor Lynn LaFroth departs The Edge. She goes on to create Twin Cities Wellness, now known as Essential Wellness. Tim Miejan is named managing editor. In July, Gary Beckman launches The Kansas City edition of The Edge.


Gary Beckman launches the first online presence for The Edge newspaper at


Gary Beckman launches the Wisconsin edition of The Edge newspaper in July, serving the Madison and Milwaukee metro areas.


Cathy Shaffer, who had owned two former businesses, joins the Edge Life staff in March as a sales and marketing representative, and she later becomes sales manager.


To better consolidate resources, The Edge newspaper discontinues its Kansas City edition after nearly eight years and its Wisconsin edition after just more than three years. In November, the new magazine format is unveiled, serving as a single edition for all regions in which it will now be distributed. A new Edge Life brand is created for the magazine and expos. The publication is now found online at


Distribution of the magazine begins in Fargo, N.D., in support of the new Fargo Holistic Expo.


The Edge celebrates its 15th anniversary in September with a gala at the Gary & Insiah Beckman home, and a new redesign of the magazine is published. Distribution of the magazine begins in Des Moines, Iowa, in support of the Iowa Holistic Expo.


In August, Cathy Shaffer marries Jim Jacobsen on the spacious grounds of the Beckman residence. Synchronistically, the new couple buy a home just walking distance from the Beckmans in Ramsey.


In January, Gary & Insiah Beckman sell the magazine and its website to Tim Miejan and Cathy Jacobsen, wanting to focus their time and resources on Edge Life Expos & Events throughout the Upper Midwest. The new owners announced that in March, they intend to relaunch Edge Life magazine as The Edge magazine; The Edge comes full circle during a span of nearly 17 years.

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