Then and Now: Growing Up Psychic


I was having a conversation with a friend recently and she told me her boss wasn’t feeling well. I said, "Oh, she is pregnant." This friend knows of my psychic abilities and responded that, of course, I would know that. I corrected her, noting that she had shared her thoughts on this subject the week before. I had simply put two and two together.

But it made me wonder: How much of my psychic abilities do I use on a day-to-day basis, and if I thought back to my childhood, could I remember times that I might have been using psychic abilities?

I remember the words "little miss know-it-all" or the saying "you think you know everything." As a young child, I would look up to these adults and wonder why they were being so hurtful with their words. Because to the best of my knowledge, I was usually right. I knew when someone was lying to me. I knew what someone was trying to say and also what they were trying not to say. I had dreams that came true and a closeness with my Creator that wasn’t from anything I was exposed to.

I remember at the age of 2, riding in the car with my family one night and looking out the window and knowing there was a higher power – knowing that I was safe and loved.

Yes, we are all born with psychic abilities. How we use them, trust them and further develop them depends on many things. We need families to be open and accepting. We need to be free from the fear that some try to instill in us. We need to recognize the inner knowing that teaches us what feels right and what doesn’t.

One of the most important occurrences in my life as a psychic is when I experience an open connection with my Creator, Angels and Spirit Guides. I work with them and give them many thanks. I have had the honor of being able to travel within the universe and experience all of their unconditional love.

Do we need to read books? Do we need to take classes? If yes, what books and classes do we need to take? First you must open up and allow your highest power to guide you in a direction that feels right. Feels good. You might be content with how you use your psychic gifts in your everyday life. You may only need to have a little more information on how to better use your psychic gifts in your day-to-day life.

I am one of five members belonging to The Circle MPLS. We have had workshops called Conversations with Psychics in the Cities. We cover many areas including psychic abilities in a question-and-answer setting. For those who like to read, I suggest books. I’ve read dozens of books written by John Edwards, James Van Praagh, George Anderson, Sylvia Browne, Doreen Virtue and Echo Bodine to name a few. If you feel that part of your life path is to use your gift to help others, then I would suggest a class. I went to a psychic development class taught by Echo Bodine at her Center in Minneapolis. I am sure there are others, but I loved Echo’s books and was so excited to learn that she lived in Minneapolis and taught classes here.

I also feel it is important to know that not all of us were meant to be the psychic in the booth. When I connect with my Creator, Angels and Guides, I am given visions. I am able to hear and see those who have crossed over, and I feel the needs of those who I am reading. In this lifetime I am aware that these gifts are a part of me – a part of me to share and a part of me to help and teach others. More important than being psychic is to open up others to the knowledge that they may have forgotten: The knowledge of our own power. This includes our innate psychic abilities.

Using our psychic abilities needs to be for the highest good of ourselves and others. If we abuse this given gift, then we will not succeed or benefit in the use of them.

As one of the five members of The Circle MPLS, LLC, I am able to further my psychic abilities. We gather together for galleries, expos, private parties and events. We use our given psychic gifts to guide people on their highest spiritual path. This I have chosen. This is my path. What is yours?

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Debra Battenfeld
Debra Battenfeld is a Psychic Medium and a member of The Circle MPLS, LLC. To further learn about Debra or The Circle MPLS, please visit or call 612.860.9196. Copyright © 2009 Debra Battenfeld. All Rights Reserved.


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