In my vision for the future, it is quite possible that less healing will be needed. Those who grew up with the limiting beliefs that held the need for healing will have the opportunity to release those limiting beliefs, learn to focus on their intuition for guidance, move towards their empowerment, and receive the tools to use along the way to release anything that holds them in emotional or physical pain.
Those who are young now will be instructed and encouraged on how to do this. And the new generations would just “know” it.
For those who were brought up with powerlessness and limiting beliefs in areas of their lives and are searching for that release and relief towards emotional and physical health, it may be easier to do than you might think.
I totally understand that it can be confusing at times. In fact, if you did everything “they” say you’re supposed to do on a daily basis to heal or raise your vibration in order to heal, it would take most of the day – surely more time than you or I have to spare. So, if you are overwhelmed, you are not alone.
There is a saying that “everything works” if you are open to allowing it. And there is truth to that. But how do you allow? After all these years of facilitating healings, I find that going back to the basics has a certain truth and power to it, though we will have a new foundation for those basics.
People will accept and know their power to create health and happiness, and they will focus on their intuition and joy and follow their path. Little healing will be necessary. If needed, we will have the tools – simple holistic practices available to everyone – to allow and achieve success and totally transform ourselves in just a few moments a day.
Did you know that one of the easiest things you can do to increase your health is what many masters have said for eons? It is the beginning of everything you’ve strived for. It will change your life, and yet many aren’t willing to give up their drama for peace, connection to the divine and all the guidance you need within you. Take a moment! Breathe and be with yourself in silence. Some call it meditation; it’s just you being with you. It does not have to be complicated and you don’t have to read a thousand books on the subject. Be in silence daily for a month and notice the change. If you feel the need, please email me for a meditation guidance sheet.
Take a moment and accept where you are. Wherever that is. Even if you don’t like where you are, it’s OK. Believing anything else is conflict -Â mentally, emotionally and spiritually – and it feels like a lie. Part of that acceptance (breathe) is allowing change to happen. Good. Now you can move forward.
Beginning now, take a moment. Look at and be willing to release any conscious or unconscious limiting beliefs you hold, especially the ones that say you are not good enough or unworthy. These can be done “in the moment” as the thoughts come to you. There are many ways to do this. One of the most powerful ways I have found is by using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with myself and my clients. Find something…anything…that works for you.
Guilt and Forgiveness
For past, present and future guilts, take a moment. Give yourself a break. Think of your perceived mistakes and guilt as stepping stones and opportunities to realize who you are and who you don’t want to be. To raise your vibration to health, forgive others. You don’t need to accept what they did, but stop giving your power away by holding onto what you feel they did wrong. There will always be someone who will do something you may not like, but that does not mean you should waste your precious energy that should be used for your happiness and health.
Consider forgiveness in this way: How many times has someone done something to you that you considered awful but it led you to becoming better at something or moved you towards a larger perspective of what you want for your life? On a higher level, you may even say that they helped you.
And consider forgiveness in this way: Each and every person has a purpose. For each soul, it’s a personal theme on how they contribute to the expansion of the whole. It’s not up to you to figure it out, because it’s beyond your comprehension. You have your own purpose to experience, which is your soul’s evolution. Most of you intuitively understand this.
Yet, when you can realize that others may not care about you in the way you had expected or hoped, it frees you to care about yourself and frees them to care about their evolution. It’s freedom at its best.
You are not worried anymore about what others think as you begin to realize that their purpose is not to think about you (at least not in the way we are used to). Others are busy in the expression and expansion of their own souls – and it’s not for you to figure out whether they’re doing it correctly. Intuitively, they know they must focus on themselves even if they try to focus on you.
When you realize that they are not specifically here for your happiness, this leads you to such a powerful freedom of expression. You are no longer dependent upon the acceptance or approval of others.
Please read this again until you understand it. This is big. All the energy you have spent wanting to get others to say, act, be and do things to make you happy can now be used by you, for you.
Once you know this, healing is on its way. We can play with each other in life without expectation of outcome, being ever present in the moment. You can play with those who want to play and let go of those who don’t. Can you feel the power of those words? I did, the first time I heard them. This allows for our co-creation to become more purposeful and vibrant.
Mental and emotional freedom is the way to health, and doing what it takes in the moment to achieve that freedom is the way of the future, whether it be self-help or with the guidance of an holistic health-care practitioner.
I’ve known Dr. Kim Eisen for many, many years and her words and guidance/healing practices have shown to be helpful in so many lives. I’ve watched her grow as a woman healer and it brings me great joy to read her article. She has knowledge beyond her years…and I believe she always has.