Sun Sign Forecast for May


Taurus: Staying focused on work and business brings satisfaction. A wonderful month for pragmatic, productive and results oriented accomplishments awaits you. Communication could be complicated during the first couple weeks of May so check and double check your interactions with others.

Gemini: It’s time to focus on financial matters and clear up any old problems. Paying attention to limiting spending and increasing savings may be frustrating now, but will pay off in the future. Social activities fall into place with ease.

Cancer: It’s an easy month to get your feelings hurt by sharp-tongued angry people. Coworkers and friends are likely to blurt things out without really thinking about their impact on you. Work on growing a thicker skin and weeding out toxic people from your life.

Leo: The love you feel for your home and family is center stage right now. The people you love are engaged, interested and willing to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and reach out to those people that you have befriended in the past.

Virgo: As terrible as the economy might be, you are in an excellent cycle for speculation and financial risk taking. Just be sure to use your discriminating nature to make wise choices. Be particularly careful not to take on burdens that don’t belong to you.

Libra: Relationships are quite difficult right now. No one seems to listen to you without an argument or disagreement. It’s too easy for relationships to become polarized, so stay focused on solutions rather than analyzing the other person.

Scorpio: In order to avoid major headaches, keep your own counsel and make your own decisions in both the public and private parts of your life. Right now many things feel like an uphill battle, but that will change next month.

Sagittarius: Postpone any big trips until next month; everything will be smoother and less expensive then. Even though your energy and enthusiasm is high, there are too many distractions to feel satisfied with your accomplishments.

Capricorn: Right now your relationship with your friends and lovers is confusing and complicated. Hidden agendas, ulterior motives, and general disagreements can leave you feeling frustrated and misunderstood. Hold your ground.

Aquarius: Good things are on the table right now. Opportunity, travel, learning, publishing are among the gifts that this period of time brings you. Let your confidence soar while keeping your feet planted firmly on the ground.

Pisces: You have a lot of energy to focus on your dreams and goals. Your creativity is high and solutions to problems come from unexpected people and places. Try to minimize distractions and keep your focus intact.

Aries: Enjoy friends and lovers while Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign all month. In fact, doing active adventurous activities with people you enjoy lights up your month. Physical and mental overextension can lead to injuries and exhaustion so remember to be moderate.

Read the Astrology Forecast for Taurus by Moonrabbit

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Moonrabbit has been studying, teaching and professionally practicing astrology as her full-time passion and career in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area since 1974. Hers is the longest-standing professional astrology practice in the region. She has the longest track record of credibility and success in helping people understand and pragmatically use astrology to better their lives. Contact her at 651.690.0377. Visit her blog at, or her website at


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