The Mystery of Sea and Sky


I always wanted to do more traveling, but it always seemed so out of reach between the expense of time and of money. One day, I decided…this is it! I’m going, no matter how impossible it seems! Several weeks later I found myself on a flight to the Caribbean coast of Mexico for my own personal spiritual retreat.

In the Tulum the ocean is ultra, ultra blue and the sand fine and white. The scrub jungle is filled with birds and mystery. A lovely paradise, indeed. Walking for miles down the beach away from the hustle and bustle of life, I could feel myself slowly unwinding from all the cares worries and trauma of life. By taking a step out of the context of the life I knew, I was able to see from a fresh, new perspective…and better yet, I was able to begin to source who I was without the chaos that life can bring.

One of my personal dreams was to meet and work with some of the local Mayan healers while I was there, but I had no idea where they were or how to find them. Out of my three-week vacation, two weeks were gone, and I was beginning to get a bit discouraged about the possibility of that miracle. I took a six-mile walk down the beach and came to a lovely retreat place on the beach. I was drawn to the beautiful palm-roofed restaurant there. As I was sitting there, a gentleman came up to me and said, “You look sad, what’s wrong?” Much to my own surprise and chagrin, the floodgates opened. I cried as I shared with him how I was in search of healing.

It seems the Divine does work in mysterious ways. He, in fact, was connected with the local curenderos, and was happy to bring me to them so I might receive their healing gifts. While the healing I received was sweet and helpful, the best gift of all was knowing that sincere prayers are heard and answered, sometimes in surprising ways.

This place has become an amazing touchstone for me, and each year since 1997 I have returned to this beautiful land of sea and sky to reconnect with myself through the power of nature and the loving spirits of the Mayan people.

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Sylvia Brallier
Sylvia Brallier is a respected author and spiritual teacher who offers intensive workshops around the world. Her loving and wise approach to personal transformation has been instrumental in changing many lives. She is a master at the art of helping people overcome their limitations with impeccability, kindness and humor.


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