2012: Doomsday or the Dawning of a New Age?


fordA debate is raging over whether December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar, heralds a doomsday of apocalyptic proportions or the dawning of a golden age in consciousness. In the new documentary 2012: Science or Superstition (available from www.SpiritualCinemaCircle.com in Volume 7) scientists and experts present both the science behind the Mayan calendar, as well as a positive message that we will be ushered into a new age of elevated consciousness and increased awareness.

One of the experts featured in the film is Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., a medical anthropologist who has researched the healing traditions of the Andes and the Amazon for more than 20 years. Founder of The Four Winds Society [www.thefourwinds.com] and the author of more than ten books including Courageous Dreaming, The Four Insights and Shaman Healer Sage, Dr. Villoldo is dedicated to bridging ancient wisdom teachings with modern medicine and psychology. He recently shared his perspective on 2012.

What are the 2012 prophecies?
Alberto Villoldo:
They are indigenous prophecies of the Americas. You find them among the Hopi, Maya, Inca and the Apache. December 21, 2012 is an astronomical alignment that is going to be the beginning of a new era of a new age. These prophecies are very optimistic. They’re not the apocalyptic prophecies of Christianity of the end of the world. They’re really the beginning of the world. According to the Maya, humanity first appears in the planet on December 21, 2012. So we’re still proto-humans. We’re still half cooked.

Tell us about the isolated group of Incas in Peru that you work with.
They are part of the lineage of wisdom keepers that’s found throughout the Americas. They came across the Bering Strait originally from the Himalayas around 32,000 years ago. At the time of the conquest, they fled and settled in very high mountain tops where neither the church nor the state could find them. They observed and foresaw the end of the conquistador looting, raping and pillaging, and devastating the land, and polluting the rivers.

One time one of them said to me, “Alberto, we’re going to miss our white brother.”

They saw the end of a predatory time on the earth and the beginning of a millennium of peace.

How did you come to meet these isolated shamans who live at 18,000 feet?
They were the stuff of legend, and 20 years ago an old Peruvian archaeologist I knew introduced me to them. I went to their villages and brought Western medications with me because they had been in contact with other Indians who had been in contact with diseased Westerners. They had babies with dysentery and things that their local herbs and their nature pharmacies could not heal so I brought Western medication. I developed a close relationship with their medicine people.

With these people I learned about luminous medicine where they healed at the level of the luminous matrix that surrounds the physical body and that organizes the body in the same way that a magnet organizes iron filings from a piece of glass. These people are able to look at your luminous matrix and tell you how your grandmother died, how you might live, how you would heal, and how you might die, because it is all encoded in this information matrix. They are able to also read the matrix of the earth and that’s where they read the prophecies.

These shamans differentiate between information and knowledge. To them information is knowing that water is H2O, but knowledge is being able to make it rain. The prophecy was the information as to what could happen, what might happen. They saw us growing a new consciousness, downloading the information codes for a new human into our luminous energy field!

What “signs” or evidence support the predictions of the Inca elders?
They have definitive signs that they look for to mark the setting into motion of the great upheaval. One of them was the disappearance of the condor, which almost became extinct around 25 years ago. They talk about the drying of the high mountain lagoons and the melting of the glaciers, among other signs, all of which have begun.

Should we view 12/21/2012 as a potential doomsday?
If you suddenly have a billion people disappearing from the planet overnight, that’s a gigantic cataclysm. If you have it happening naturally and gradually, over a 100-year period, then it’s nature resettling and readjusting itself. I see it as both.

Do you believe there will be a pole shift?
I don’t think it’s a “matter of belief.” Off the coast of Chile there are areas in the ocean where the compass points to Antarctica and tells you that that’s north. There are eight or ten of these spots, the size of Australia, in the ocean where the poles, the direction of the compass have already shifted.

What do you see as the opportunity of 2012 for individuals?
It is happening today. We have the possibility to break free from the nightmare of our past of violence and exploitation. To clear the slate both individually and collectively. We can quantum leap into new humans. We’re the ones that we’ve been waiting for, where we can fully become whole-brain creatures that utilize our entire brain and not just our stomachs and reproductive organs and mouths. We can have the fullness of the human experience and be fully in the mystery of the human experience. I think this is happening now.

Receive 2012: Science or Superstition plus three great short films for free when you sign up for a trial membership of Spiritual Cinema Circle (just pay a small shipping fee). This is the only DVD service dedicated to films about love, compassion and inspiration, one of the many reasons we wanted you to know about them. Simply go to: www.spiritualcinemacircle.com. For more information about Alberto Villoldo, his books and workshops, please visit www.thefourwinds.com.

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Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford is the bestselling author of The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. She is also a founding partner in Spiritual Cinema Circle. Her websites include www.soulmatesecret.com and www.everythingyoushouldknow.com.


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