Sharing Secrets with a Brown Velvet Muzzle


LewisThe other day I was talking to my dog, Java – telling her that I love her, thanking her for bringing immense joy and laughter into my life, and wondering what it will be like when she’s not on this planet anymore.

Java and I have spent almost every day together for the past 8-1/2 years. When I think of it that way, it’s no wonder we have a tight bond. She knows secrets nobody else knows, and we’ve shared experiences unique to just the two of us.

Magic happens when we connect with our pets on a spiritual level. It’s intimate and individual, and yet there’s a commonality. Think back on an event in your life and remember which pet was there to hold your hand, how they responded, and how you felt just knowing they were there.

Pets help mark milestones. When I look back, I had my childhood pets, my engagement dog, my marriage dogs, the dogs who helped me through my divorce, my single woman dog, and the dog who taught me the most.

Java is one of those once-in-a-lifetime dogs. When her time comes to move forward, what I’ll remember most is her never-ending joy and zest for life. She and I have a soul connection like no other pet I’ve had. When I feel upset, Java comes running to check in. When I’m in my joy, she jumps in full force to share.

We’ve created a dance together. Sometimes it’s still a little clumsy, yet it’s mostly filled with grace and wisdom. The more I engage with Java – something as simple as talking to her daily – the stronger our relationship becomes. I’m curious how deep we can go with our pets, and how deep they can go with us. I believe that when we open our minds and hearts to possibility, the animals follow.

As Java walks towards me, I notice her brown velvet muzzle sporting a dusting of grey. She peers at me with her stunning, chestnut eyes, and her soul meets mine. We can see through each other. As she moves in closer, I smile at how much the grey has taken over the brown, and I grin as I tell her, “I bet if I didn’t color my hair, we’d win a look-alike contest.”

I invite you to thank your pets for all they are, and all they’ve helped you to become.

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Sage Lewis
Sage Lewis is the Creature Teacher with Dancing Porcupine and is a Certified Life Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Animal Communicator, Intuitive/Medium, Wedding and Funeral Officiant, Animal Hospice Consultant and Level 3 Certified Tellington TTouch® Practitioner. Sage's passion is guiding all creatures to find and embrace their true essence, to live a fulfilling life of love, joy and passion, and to move through all of life's transitions with peace and grace.


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