How to Put Soul in Your Business and Money in Your Bank


    kloserDuring these demanding economic times, small business owners find it more difficult to get credit and/or see a major increase in credit rates due to the massive bailout of big business. Considering that small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all employers, it’s more important than ever for small business owners to find new ways to keep their businesses thriving.

    Having been an entrepreneur since 1991, I’ve seen my share of ups and downs. For my first nine years in business, I felt like a “golden” entrepreneur. I could do no wrong and my business grew with little effort.

    Then in 2000 all of that changed and I went through very challenging times where I feared everyday that I wouldn’t be able to make ends meet. I’ll never forget the day when I called a bankruptcy attorney, because that was the only way I thought I could get myself out of the mess I was in.

    After I hung up the phone with the attorney, I was distraught. I just couldn’t believe this was happening to me…until I felt a small glimmer of hope inside. I felt it was rooted in a newfound possibility to have a business based on the spiritual principles I had come to understand as a yoga teacher. What if I relied on putting more spirit into my business? Would that change anything for me?

    This was the quest I set out on when I decided not to file for bankruptcy. Since there weren’t any books on spirituality in business, I had to find my own way. I hungered for this knowledge, so I set up interviews with some of the world’s leading experts on business and spirituality including: Michael Gerber, Dr. Joe Vitale, Seth Godin, Neale Donald Walsch, Bill Phillips, and hundreds more. Through these interviews, and the practical application of everything I learned from them, I designed a formula for integrating spirituality into business.

    It all came down to five simple steps.

    First, you had to uncover the soul in your business – what is the real reason you started your business? What do you love about your business? How do you truly want to help your clients and customers? Where do you find deep fulfillment and meaning in your business? This first step is about connecting your passion and purpose with your business.

    The second step is about making two critical connections:

    • You’ve got to connect with the universal Source that gifted you with your passion. Some people call this source God, Higher Self, Spirit or the Universe. Whatever you call it, see your business as part of a larger plan. You need to have the belief that everything happening in your business is happening for your highest good, even if it’s challenging.
    • You need to connect to your market. This involves doing research to fully understand who your market is, what their needs are and what their pain is. Only, then can you communicate with your market in a manner that authentically resonates with them.

    The third step is to design your business vision. You’ve got to become crystal clear how you want your business to look. Your business vision needs to be built on the joy and love you have for your business and the work you do. If not, you’ll grow to resent it and nobody will want to do business with you.

    After you design your business vision, the fourth step is to implement it! Take time to make changes in your business so it reflects the vision you created. When you are joyful in living your business vision, clients will flock to work with you and your company.

    Finally, you’ve got to maintain your energy and stay aligned and enthusiastic about your business. Your energy is one of the most valuable assets you have, so keep your energy up and your numbers will go up, too.

    These five steps are exactly what I did to go from the brink of bankruptcy to a seven-figure business during the most challenging financial crisis in decades. I share them with the intention that you, too, will experience the growth and joy you are looking for in your business.

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    Christine Kloser
    Christine Kloser is the award-winning author of The Freedom Formula® and creator of the Freedom Formula Experience. She is widely recognized as an expert in the field of conscious entrepreneurship and is dedicated to coaching entrepreneurs to be profitable and powerful forces for positive change in our transforming world.


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