A simple acceptance of all that is


miejanLet’s be clear about one thing: The Edge magazine has always been open to any and all belief systems and modalities with regard to spirituality, metaphysics and healing since its founding in 1992.

I have interviewed ufologists and crop circle experts, scientists who research mysterious orbs, an astronaut whose life was changed while viewing the Earth from outer space, ghostbusters and people who heal others by the laying on of hands, experts on the healing qualities of quartz crystals and other gemstones, those who specialize in quantum physics and reveal ways in which science is now confirming the truth of long-held metaphysical principles, leaders of the Wiccan tradition who seek to clarify how wrong the public is when comparing their ancient spiritual beliefs to satanism, practitioners of energy medicine, and those who teach meditation that harmonizes both regions of the brain and helps us live more balanced and joyful lives.

I’ve spoken to seekers of all persuasion who value our publication because it allows for the expression of truth, because it openly speaks of hope and faith that is shared by all paths leading to the Divine. And I’ve heard from travelers who value The Edge because it honors them wherever they are, without a clearly defined spiritual path but an openness to explore all that is revealed along the way. I’ve received letters from men in prison who request copies of The Edge so they can learn how to be free despite their confinement.

In this earthly realm, human beings are given the freedom to experience exactly what they believe – and some of us believe there is a right way and a wrong way. Some of us are uncomfortable with other beliefs existing simultaneously with our own, who have been taught that there is only one way and that anything less is blasphemy. I’ve received emails and voice messages from concerned Christians who say they are praying for my eternal soul. Some try to convince us that the unseen doesn’t exist because it cannot be proven, and that believing in anything outside of the accepted reality is a sign of intellectual weakness. There are those who may never be touched by the power of prayer or experience a spiritual insight that opens the heart in this lifetime – and that doesn’t make them less than.

Last night, while pondering about what The Edge: Soul of the Cities is really all about, this phrase came to mind: “We welcome all souls.” It reminded me of what I had spontaneously written on our website five months ago when it was being redesigned:

“The Edge is not just a magazine or website, but a structure whereby souls whose feet now walk upon the Earth are able to express their sacred truths, with complete freedom, with utter integrity, to help remind us that we are much more than physical bodies and minds doing things and going places, that we are completely realized beings who are escaping the grasp of density and awakening to this grand opportunity to create in this present moment.”

What we are about is exploring our shared connection – as soul. How we do that is revealed anew each and every month. The expression of that soul connection is yours: you who are called upon to put thoughts into words, to send your words to us with the expectation that we will share your ideas with the community at large.

My fellow souls, as we meet again in this time and space, we may say things and do things and think things, but above all let us treasure the opportunity to recognize who we truly are in the reflection of each other. That, I believe, is the gift of life.

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at t.miejan.25@gmail.com.



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