Journey into the depths of my soul


The journey home to myself began with childhood sexual and emotional abuse and is culminating in a magnificent celebration of who I have become. From that wounding, and the subsequent acting out through sexual addiction over the course of two decades, I have sought the deepest possible healing. That search has led me directly to my soul and my soul’s purpose in this life.

I eventually found my way to the Divine Feminine-Awakened Masculine Institute, where I learned:

  • To give and receive sacred sexual healing sessions.
  • To heal and manage my sexual energy.
  • To reclaim my erotic innocence.

Therapeutic sacred sexual healing has ignited my aliveness and helped me integrate my sexuality in ways that years of therapy could not.

The compassion and self-love I now embody pour out of me as I hold sacred space for others to take their own soul healing journeys. My story has become a collective story, lovingly poured onto the pages of a book, recently published, called Reclaiming Aphrodite – The Journey to Sexual Wholeness. Perhaps others in painful places on their journey might find support, compassion and companionship in these pages.

At the core of my being, I know that I have embodied in this life to be one of the pioneers who are teaching and offering private sessions in the cutting edge work of therapeutic somatic sacred sexual healing. I am so filled with gratitude for how this work has helped me heal my soul, and for the healing miracles I have witnessed in others as a practitioner.

Every day my soul sings in celebration of the connectedness with my meaning and purpose and the capacity to be in divine soul service to humanity through the depth of this connection.

Amrita Grace will present a weekend workshop (assisted by Apollo of Core Light, LLC) on September 25-27 in St. Paul called “Reclaiming Our Sexual Wholeness.” To learn more about the workshop, visit

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Amrita Grace
Amrita Grace of Maui, HI and Minneapolis is the author of "Reclaiming Aphrodite-The Journey to Sexual Wholeness." Amrita is a Certified Spiritual Sexual Educator, High Priestess, and an Intimacy and Relationship Coach. Amrita assists men, women, and couples in integrating their sexuality into their whole being through intimacy coaching, energy work, somatic therapeutic sexual healing, women's circles, workshops, and loving, compassionate presence. Phone, Skype, and in-person sessions are available.


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