A Fall Calendar of Events, Expos and Workshops

The following events are upcoming in the Twin Cities and Upper Midwest:

September 10-13
Walking the Ojibwe Way: A Weekend of Relational Exploration
“Walking the Ojibwe Way: A Weekend of Relational Exploration,” an educational weekend retreat on the cultural and spiritual practices of the Ojibwe, will take place on the Lac Courte Orielles reservation near Hayward, WI. This sensitivity gathering is open to all who are interested in experiencing the age-old customs and spiritual enlightenment of the Ojibwe peoples. Workshop leaders will teach the meaning of pow-wows, Native dance, regalia clothing, language and other spiritual practices. Experience authentic food and listen to tribal stories around sacred fires. An authentic Ojibwe art exhibit/ sale will be available for all participants. “This is a unique occasion, to be invited onto the reservation and experience an emersion into the Ojibwe way,” says organizer Nona Trealoff Bock, MS, spiritual director and founder of notOne notTwo. “This offering is an incredible opportunity to learn about and integrate these teachings as a means of expansion in one’s own life and service in the world.” Workshop leaders include: Maryellen Baker (Nio gishic goo Ikwe) who has extensive knowledge in the teachings of her tribe and has lectured across the country in schools, colleges, programs and wellness centers; Karen De Main (Ogamaa Ikwe) a carrier of the Sacred Pipe and has danced across the country in many pow-wows and pageants; and Gary Quaderer (Ni on dah wade) a carrier of the Sacred Pipe and spiritual healer for the tribe who has conducted many sweatlodges and ceremonies and has lectured at many colleges, schools and healing centers. The fee for the weekend is $175. Register by August 30. Meals will be provided. Sixteen CEU hours from the Wisconsin Department of Education are available. For more information, inquiries and registration visit www.notOnenotTwo.org or call Nona Trealoff Bock at 715.426.6191.

September 12
Grand Opening Celebration: Illuminate
On September 1, intuitive healers Kathleen Benning, Jennifer Salness and Pamela Fillhouer are opening Illuminate, a spiritual space featuring multi-disciplinary healing, classes and workshops, in Burnsville, MN, at 201 W. Burnsville Parkway, Suite 110. A grand opening celebration will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 12, with intuitive readings and energy healings at a discount, crystals, jewelry, books and other gifts. Each of the creators at Illuminate have been experiencing deep shifts in their own lives for many years and seek to be guides to others through new multi-dimensional tools, pathways, and information. With a base in Love and the knowledge that we are all One, Illuminate hopes to open the awareness of each person’s unlimited potential. Illuminate will be home to the practice of each practitioner, and it will offer a wide range of healing services, such as Multi-Dimensional Healing, Massage Therapy, Intuitive Readings, Amethyst BioMat and Dimensional Space Alignments. The intent is to educate and inspire people through the physical, emotional, and spiritual “symptoms” of a spiritual path, whether they are just awakening or have been a committed spiritual seeker. Illuminate is a space for your personal transformation, as well as gatherings with other like-minded individuals seeking positive meaning and connection on their spiritual path. More information is at www.illuminateone.com or by calling Jennifer Salness at 651.705.6760.

September 12
Have You Had a Spiritual Experience?
A recent Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion reports that more than half of all Americans believe they have been visited by guardian angels. One out of four say they have witnessed or experienced a miraculous physical healing. To address the need for understanding profound spiritual experiences, members of Eckankar – Karen Kiser, an independent travel planner, and Mark Richardson, author and international inspirational speaker – will offer an interactive workshop, “Have You Had a Spiritual Experience?” from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, at the Minneapolis Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall. They will share insights, encourage discussion, and present exercises for exploring out-of-body and near-death experiences, prophetic dreams, survival of the soul after death, miraculous light and sound, and reincarnation. The workshop is free and welcomes people of all faiths. No reservations are required. For more information, contact Karen Kiser at 952.474.2618.

September 18
Rhythm of the Earth – Autumnal Equinox Ritual & Drum Jam
Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox with a ritual entitled “Native Harvest,” led by Steven Johnson at 7 p.m. at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (LHSC), 44th and Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis. The equinox ritual will be followed by the Rhythm of Love Drum Jam, led by Gary Chisholm. Honoring the rhythm of Mother Earth, and aligning our being with her cycles, is the deep intent of celebrating the Earth’s holy-days. On this doorway into Autumn, LHSC will honor the “Three Sisters” that the Native Americans planted together – beans, corn and squash – and explore the physical and metaphysical dimensions of the harvest. Grains used in the ritual will be cooked into a savory dish to be eaten as part of the drum jam celebration that follows the ritual. This sacred event will feature the Dunn County Clerics (www.myspace.com/dunncountyclerics), one of the premier pagan bands of the Midwest. The Clerics is an acoustic vocal band performing folk music with influences of Celtic & Country. Their earthy sound, with three and four-part harmonies, will create the musical ambiance for the ritual. The public is invited to add unique rhythm to the collective vibration and the rhythm of the earth during the drum jam, which will last from 9:30 p.m. to midnight. The suggested donation is $10. For more information, call 612.922.4272 or visit www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org.

September 20
Blessings from the Animals
Professional animal communicator Lena Swanson (www.lenaswanson.com) will lead the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Celebration Service at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (LHSC) with a event entitled “Blessings From the Animals.” In a unique twist on the usual animal blessing services, Lena will communicate with every animal present and ask for a blessing for individuals and the community as a whole. The suggested donation is $10. LHSC is at 44th and Upton Ave. S., in South Minneapolis. For more information, call 612.922.4272 or visit www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org.

September 21
United Nations International Day of Peace: Peace Within, Peace Without
Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (LHSC) will host an observance of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace (www.internationaldayofpeace.org) – a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace – at 7 p.m. at LHSC, 44th and Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, when Steven Johnson and Colleen Buckman blend the ancient tradition of Bhakti Yoga Kirtan Chanting with the modern teachings of Eckhart Tolle. The suggested donation is $10. Kirtan Chanting is an ancient tradition which uses the practices of heart, devotion, love and surrender to help in peeling back the layers and facilitate a union with Divine bliss. Eckhart Tolle’s teachings show us how to shift one’s identify from ego to one’s higher self. The intent for the evening is to experience the bliss of peace within, and to express that peace outward into the world. Colleen Buckman is a holistic healer, professional musician, international educator and executive director of Fair Trade Om, a conscious, philanthropic production company. She is a co-host of the radio program, “Raising the Consciousness” on AM950 KTNF (www.raisingtheconsciousness.com). Steven Johnson served six years as a minister at LHSC. He also is a ritual facilitator, shamanic practitioner, intuitive reader, spiritual teacher and healer who leads eco-spirituality wilderness trips and officiates at weddings and other rites of passage. For more information, call 612.922.4272 or visit www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org.

September 25
Celebration of 90 Years of Unity in Minnesota
UnityMN invites the public to join in the celebration of 90 years of Unity worship and transformational spiritual study in Minnesota with a formal celebration beginning at 5:30 p.m. Friday Sept. 25, at the Golden Valley Country Club in Golden Valley, MN. The event will feature a social hour and formal dinner, followed by dancing and live music provided by the local group Urban Stride. Speakers for the event include keynote speaker Charlotte Shelton, President and CEO of Unity, and guest speaker Earnie Larsen, a nationally known author and lecturer. Ticket and event information is available at www.unitymn.org. UnityMN represents a local collective of eight Unity churches, each offering a unique experience with various worship services, spiritual study opportunities and discussion groups offered throughout the week. The growing Unity movement offers a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path. Unity is the proud sponsor of the popular Daily Word publication, Silent Unity prayer ministry and Unity Institute for spiritual study. More information on Unity is available at www.unity.org.

September 26
Midtown Yoga Festival
The free Midtown Yoga Festival returns from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26 at Midtown Global Market, 920 E. Lake St., Minneapolis. The festival welcomes all age groups to come together in one place to create an atmosphere to be remembered later as life goes on. Prominent teachers across the Twin Cites will offer Yoga demonstrations. Yoga, or discipline to the Self, is important to keep a well-balanced life. Yoga involves meditation, stretching (hatha Yoga), chanting and spiritual discussion, which will uplift the spirit and give us the strength from within. Chanting the Holy Name is not only inspiring, but it is powerful. The intent is to strengthen the mind and body, to build the vision of hope so that our daily lives become even more disciplined when it comes to time. This is the true essence of Yoga, the freedom of the Self. All participants are asked to bring along yoga mats / towels. Free three-hour parking is available in the 10th Avenue ramp with validation. For more information, visit www.midtownyogafestival.com

October 3
World Animal Day MN
World Animal Day MN – an event to honor the connection and dependency of humans and animals living together on this planet – will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Running ACES Harness Park in Columbus, MN. “It is important for humans to understand and continually improve their relationship with animals,” says event organizer Kathy Grimes of Osseo, MN. “Not only do we share the planet with animals, but we also share values of love, nurturing and a desire for peace.” Among the animals to be present are the Agility Rabbits, sponsored by the Minnesota Companion Rabbits Society, parrots sponsored by the MN Bird Society and an African Porcupine and other exotic animals sponsored by Cock-A-Doodle Zoo. Educational booths will present information on healing, vet practices, animals of Minnesota, animals of the world and products that are not tested on animals. A special honoring service for all the animals of the world will begin at 10:45 a.m., and it will end with a blessings of the pets. The Teddy Bear Project will accept money donations for the purchase of new teddy bears to be given to police, fire departments and emergency response teams to help children during unpleasant experiences. The Gratitude Wall will be a place where people can write the name of an animal that has left a memory or paw print in their heart. Admission is free. Donations will be accepted. For more information, visit www.WorldAnimalDayMN.com, email KGrimes@BrotherWolfAndFriends.com or call 952.270.4306.

October 3-8
Stone Medicine Classes with Jenny Ray
Jenny Ray (also known as Ska Mato Pejuta Winan or White Bear Medicine Woman), a Native American Medicine Woman, world-renowned teacher and 2009 inductee into the World Massage Hall of Fame, will be teaching a series of Stone Medicine classes – including “Healing Hands,” “Rain Bath Ceremony” and “Sacred Strokes” – October 3-8 in Toivola, MI. Jenny Ray has been traveling the world to bring Stone Medicine, an American Indian healing art that has been passed down through her tribe, to the hands and hearts of massage therapists and healers. She has carried the wisdom passed to her through her tribe and ancestors to many countries, including Australia, Japan, Mexico, Denmark, Europe and Northern Ireland. In October, she will be making a pilgrimage to the homeland of her ancestors on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to share with the world the wisdom and healing insights that she carries with her. For additional information, visit www.SacredStoneMedicine.com. Contact Angel Janssen at 906.281.7776 or email angeljanssen@alphacomm.net.

October 10
Gloria Karpinski: “Poise in Chaos”
Gloria Karpinski, a spiritual teacher, counselor and author who focuses on the inter-dynamics of mind, body, emotions and spirit, returns to Minneapolis offering her “Poise in Chaos” workshop from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, at Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, Minneapolis. The workshop focuses on how to stay poised and balanced during the chaos of planetary shift, as life patterns are speeding up. Those who attend are invited to become caretakers of the new vision for our Earth and to become practical mystics whose inspirations are from the heavens and whose feet are on the ground. Participants will look at 12 inner qualities in both their light and shadow aspects to better understand individual strengths and challenges for the quest, examining practical skills for manifesting spiritual longings. Exercises and meditations are designed to provide tools for spiritual craftsmanship and to elicit from participants their personal inner guidelines and symbols. Those who attend will reawaken awareness of the Feminine aspect of the Divine, which is essential for the next step in our evolution. Restoration of the sacred feminine within human consciousness is the centerpiece in the new vision for our planet, allowing us to understand connectedness – of self to Self, of self to others, of nations, races or species to one another. Register by October 1, for $90 ($100 at the door) payable to Spirit United to: Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55414. Bring a bag lunch; a refrigerator and microwave are available. Refreshments for breaks are provided. Gloria D. Karpinski (www.gloriakarpinski.com) is a holistic counselor, spiritual director, teacher and author. Her seminars emphasize the relevancy of universal spiritual principles to everyday life. She is the author of Where Two Worlds Touch: Spiritual Rites of Passage and Barefoot on Holy Ground: Twelve Lessons in Spiritual Craftsmanship. For more information on this event, visit www.spiritunited.com or call 612.378.3602.

October 12-18
Mastering Alchemy classes
What’s your role as a healer, teacher, leader during these times of shift? International teacher and author Jim Self teaches practical tools to make an easier transition through this most important time. He explains how to become aware of and choose the possibility that best serves your spiritual purpose – by quieting life’s noise and drama, merging with your Soul, remembering yourself, creating your Personal Power Field, and learning how to think with your Heart and act from your Higher Mind. Since childhood, Jim could recall his experiences within the sleep state. This awareness expanded into relationships with archangels, ascended masters and teachers of light. Tools presented in Mastering Alchemy are a co-creation of these relationships. Jim Self has been leading seminars on clairvoyance and personal energy management for more than 27 years. Free classes will take place from 7-9:30 p.m. at: Unity South in Bloomington on October 12; Spirit United Church in Minneapolis on October 13; and Lake Harriet Spiritual Community on October 14. A Level 1 seminar will take place October 16-18 in Bloomington. Free webinars are available now at www.MasteringAlchemy.com. For more information, call Carol at 763.843.0043.

October 23-25
2009 ECK Worldwide Seminar
Are you looking for direct spiritual experience? Spiritual help and healing? Insights into past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel? The public is invited to attend spiritual exploration workshops and discussions, from-the-heart speakers and soul-awakening creative arts at the 2009 ECK Worldwide Seminar, taking place October 23-25 at the Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 Second Ave. S. Workshops and discussions on Friday, Oct. 23, include: “The Miraculous Power of Your Imagination,” “How to Survive Spiritually in Our Times,” and “Welcome to ECKANKAR and This Seminar!” Two free workshops taking place on Saturday, Oct. 24 are: “Have You Had a Spiritual Experience?” (10 a.m.-Noon in Room 101D); and “Keys to Secret Worlds” (2-4 p.m. in 101D). The Saturday evening program, from 7-9 p.m. in Hall B, allows participants to see Eckankar’s spiritual leader, Harold Klemp, an award-winning author of more than 60 books on spirituality. For more information, visit ECKseminars.org or call toll-free 1.888.568.3463, ext. N30.

October 31 & November 1
Women & Spirituality Conference
The 28th annual Women & Spirituality Conference takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31, and from 9 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 1, at Minnesota State University in Mankato featuring two days of workshops, discussions, exhibits, dialogue, discovery and celebration. The event is co-sponsored by the University’s Women’s Studies, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Institutional Diversity and Women’s Center. This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Vandana Shiva, who will speak on “Women and the Gendered Politics of Food.” Dr. Shiva is a physicist, author and international leader in multiple interdisciplinary, environmental and sustainability movements, including the Slow Food and Biodiversity Movements, and Intellectual Property Rights exploration. For complete details, visit http://sbs.mnsu.edu/women/.

November 6-8
Awakenings: Developing Your Psychic Potential
Darkness Radio [Saturday & Sunday on KTLK 100.3 FM] presents a weekend of 11 hours of inspiring talks and hands-on interactive developmental workshops, 7 1/2 hours of gallery sessions with top Psychic Mediums Michael & Marti Parry, Derek Acorah and Chip Coffey, and seven of the top psychic mediums and teachers in the world, including Echo Bodine, Chris Fleming and John Oliver, at the Ramada – Grand Rios, 6900 Lakeland Ave. N., in Brooklyn Park, MN. The event, hosted by Darkness Radio’s Dave Shrader, also will feature Q & A panel discussions, live gallery readings, workshops on meditation, awakening the power and cleansing, life as a psychic detective, enlightenment, encouraging the development of psychic kids, hands-on healing, achieving deep trance states and how to connect with the other side. For more information, visit www.darknessevents.com.

November 14-15
Minneapolis Edge Life Expo
The Minneapolis Edge Life Expo, brought to you by Edge Life Expos & Events, will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 15, at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, 1300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis. The event features the following keynote speakers on Saturday: Kathryn Harwig [10 a.m.] on “Eight Principles for Inner Peace” through her guides, The Light Collective, speaking on principles are practical tools to make your life more productive, joyous and free; Dolores Cannon [11:45 p.m.] on “Past Life Therapy” – presented by a regression hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who has developed her own technique to gain past life information from her clients; and Kathryn & Dannion Brinkley [1:30 p.m.] on “Reinventing the Spirit,” a holistic perspective gained by two near-death experiencers who show others how to create a profound spiritual bond with life. Other speakers include Insiah Beckman on “2012 and your Ascension,” Deborah Lynn11 on “Your Name Says It All,” Robert Baca on “Guided by Spirit” and Carol Parrish on “Sophia the Loving Master.” The expo presents more than 150 exhibition booths featuring products and services as well as free daily workshops. Eckankar will present a Sunday Church Service. For more information or speaker tickets, visit www.edgelife.net. Exhibition booths are still available. Call 763.427.7979 or email gary@edgelife.net.



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